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An ICU consultant at our local hospital reports that of the Covid patients there, two thirds are unvaccinated - mainly relatively young men who are overweight and with type 2 diabetes. Most refused the vaccine, telling their doctor they would rather take their chances.
The remaining patients have been vaccinated and boosted but all have underlying health issues and are all on immunosuppressive medication (several have had kidney transplants)
7 are in intensive care and 4 are being ventilated.
This is chart from Wednesday Dec 29th, 2021
UK and US are among the worst affected​
Tot Cases/
1M pop
1M pop
1M pop
It would be interesting to see these figures as a % of the population… I wonder if the rankings would then change..?
Omicron variant is highly contagious - roughly 200,000 new cases/day in France - but less serious than delta variant. I'm tempted to say "fortunately"....
Omicron variant is highly contagious - roughly 200,000 new cases/day in France - but less serious than delta variant. I'm tempted to say "fortunately"....
I'd wager this is good news. Significantly less serious than previous variants, highly contagious, and natural immunity seems to offer better protection than some vaccines (study). If this trend continues, the pandemic should end up like the Spanish Flu - the modern day flu, a mild seasonal annoyance.
There is a significant overlap of Omicron and 'Vaccine' symptoms and long term effects. Note that I am not implying anything other than Omicron may be just as effective and perhaps more so than the 'Vaccine'. My fear is that COVID is going to permanently change our health (for those infected), and our freedoms.
There is a significant overlap of Omicron and 'Vaccine' symptoms and long term effects. Note that I am not implying anything other than Omicron may be just as effective and perhaps more so than the 'Vaccine'. My fear is that COVID is going to permanently change our health (for those infected), and our freedoms.
I read a news article calling Omicron a natural vaccine recently. Here it is.
I got my booster today - moderna after 2 pfizers. Sore arm, but not bad.

I'm in the group deniers are happy to discard - over 60, with a lung problem I've had all my life. My wife is in her first year after chemo, after a series of cancers. So far so good, but adding a dangerous virus would not be wise for either of us. So we look at the science, then talk with the people who directly work with it..
Interestingly, from talking to just ordinary human being health professionals, including my niece who works in a COVID ICU, they just don't have people coming in because of vaccines. That's extremely rare, and the propaganda seems untrue. They're coming in mostly unvaccinated, and/or with underlying health problems that under normal circumstances wouldn't put their lives at risk.
My niece, a small 25 year old, has been threatened by several male ICU patients who say COVID doesn't exist and that she's making them sick with the treatment to maintain the illusion. The social engineering going on to get these people to hate science and elected government is twisted. It's effective though. They are really rough on the medical caregivers.
In the early waves I was vaccinated partly to avoid spreading it, or to avoid jamming up hospital systems and keeping people like my wife from getting full treatment for cancers, etc. I expected I'd get sick, but I'm fit, considering, and I'd probably survive. Those odds are good.
I don't want to gamble with that, so here we go again... the odds vaccinated are better, and while I didn't choose the game, I'm in it.

The virus in acting like every virus ever, rapidly and randomly mutating. I hope the trend keeps going toward less fatal forms, and if it someday ends up like a mild flu or cold even for the nice old or ill people I know and love, it will be such a relief. It isn't quite there yet, and since mutation is random, I wouldn't be surprised if it took another nasty turn. I hope not. I'll be an optimist and hope by summer, we're dealing with better odds than when I said the same thing last winter.

Here's hoping everyone stays safe and keeps those around them as safe as good decisions allow them to.
I'm in the group deniers are happy to discard - over 60, with a lung problem I've had all my life. My wife is in her first year after chemo, after a series of cancers. So far so good, but adding a dangerous virus would not be wise for either of us. So we look at the science, then talk with the people who directly work with it..
FTR, I think it is appropriate that everyone makes their own decision, as you have. What I am against is the government making that decision for you, and mandating it. You and your wife are in the same group that both my mothers (I'm adopted) and sisters are in and for for similar reasons. I supported their decisions, as I do yours.
I got my booster today - moderna after 2 pfizers. Sore arm, but not bad.

I'm in the group deniers are happy to discard - over 60, with a lung problem I've had all my life. My wife is in her first year after chemo, after a series of cancers. So far so good, but adding a dangerous virus would not be wise for either of us. So we look at the science, then talk with the people who directly work with it..
Interestingly, from talking to just ordinary human being health professionals, including my niece who works in a COVID ICU, they just don't have people coming in because of vaccines. That's extremely rare, and the propaganda seems untrue. They're coming in mostly unvaccinated, and/or with underlying health problems that under normal circumstances wouldn't put their lives at risk.
My niece, a small 25 year old, has been threatened by several male ICU patients who say COVID doesn't exist and that she's making them sick with the treatment to maintain the illusion. The social engineering going on to get these people to hate science and elected government is twisted. It's effective though. They are really rough on the medical caregivers.
In the early waves I was vaccinated partly to avoid spreading it, or to avoid jamming up hospital systems and keeping people like my wife from getting full treatment for cancers, etc. I expected I'd get sick, but I'm fit, considering, and I'd probably survive. Those odds are good.
I don't want to gamble with that, so here we go again... the odds vaccinated are better, and while I didn't choose the game, I'm in it.

The virus in acting like every virus ever, rapidly and randomly mutating. I hope the trend keeps going toward less fatal forms, and if it someday ends up like a mild flu or cold even for the nice old or ill people I know and love, it will be such a relief. It isn't quite there yet, and since mutation is random, I wouldn't be surprised if it took another nasty turn. I hope not. I'll be an optimist and hope by summer, we're dealing with better odds than when I said the same thing last winter.

Here's hoping everyone stays safe and keeps those around them as safe as good decisions allow them to.
I'm double vaccinated, because my dad has cancer and my mom has particularly severe asthma. Won the wrong lottery and ended up with heart inflammation, but I was able to return to work on light duty this week after a few rough weeks. I don't particularly want another shot after this.

That said, I don't understand the extreme views developing on either ends of the debate. Why covid deniers want people to die, become sterilized, or some other horrible side effects from the vaccines is beyond me. It's also beyond me that there are people in the other camp that celebrate the death of the unvaccinated and talking about how they should just be shot, etc. Another symptom of how insanely polarized our world is becoming.

I've done my part getting vaccinated, reducing my social circle and activities, worn my mask, etc. But before I was vaccinated I was still avoiding social gatherings and not seeing friends or family, wearing my mask around people, and I was even having my groceries delivered. Regardless, because of my concerns about the side effects of the vaccine, I was labelled a covid denier and antiscience despite taking every other recommended precaution while waiting to see what the statistics of the vaccines were across brands and types. My parents even called me a conspiracy theorist and thought I was lying about my heart inflammation after my second Pfizer dose until I showed them my medication.

I'm not sure exactly the point of my reply, but for whatever reason this stream of thought response came about from reading your comment.
Everything gets polarized these days. I don't want anyone to die, that's for sure. A mind boggling number have.

There's no denying the social conflict involved. One one side, you have people who believe there's no such thing as society, so the individual can do as he/she pleases. Then you have the side that says we bear responsibility to each other, and all shades of opinion in between. It exists outside of the vaccination debate, and it carries in to every discussion we seem to have.
We all have individual responsibility. Is it to others or just to ourselves. Ring the bell and watch the punching begin.
If the two main sides get into a debate, each can accuse the other of exactly the same things. It is a mess. We're all apparently sheeple, we're all scared.
I absolutely support government mandated measures as long as they come from elected governments, and can be supported scientifically. I would argue that if you are unvaccinated, you stay away from the rest of society. That's your choice. If you're drunk or high, you don't drive. If you have any level of self education, you can easily learn how viruses work. Figure that out, and the choices are stark. If you now want to follow the talking points and accuse me of being some sort of elitist - I'm a working class guy who reads a lot. I've worked for the elite - never got invited to the table.

I accept rules, from elected government, that mandate what I can do in my car, how my food is to be handled by suppliers, etc. I accept the need for certain credentials for certain jobs, the right to be booted out of a job for certain well defined behaviours, and the right to be quarantined if a dangerous virus hits and lives need to be saved. I can be justifiably arrested if I do things that put other people's lives at risk, even if I am just acting stupid with no intent to harm. With the vaccination situation, we aren't talking the penalties for armed assault. You shouldn't be permitted to go where lots of vulnerable people are, and you should be penalized if you do.
I'm also a person who has been thrown in jail for peaceful protest. If I disagree with a public policy, I believe we have an obligation to speak up. I didn't like my sheep's pen, but I'm also not a passive receiver of rules. They have to make sense. If I chose to be unvaccinated and to parade around with no mask while not socially distancing, I'd have the moral standing of a drunk driver.

I hate propaganda - anyone's propaganda. People need free access to facts, and they need to discuss. Caesar, you're the 3rd person I have 'spoken' with who got bad side effects. I know more long haulers, including my daughter, who caught COVID before vaccinations were ready. When I got vaccinated, I took the same risk as you, and I was simply lucky. Stats said I probably would be. I know many more people who died of COVID than who were affected negatively by the vax. I gambled that even if I got ill I would at least not be an easy, cooperative carrier who would provide a nice little habitat for the virus to mutate in, and spread to family and friends. The chances of it going wrong were microscopic, and I took the risk. So did you. Right and wrong exist, and the people giving you a hard time are simply wrong.

I make a point of reading the right, the left and in between. I read the scientists, and until it became too frustrating, I used to read the deniers. We have a privately owned press, and it says what it's paid to say. The pro-vaccination 'side' has had a pretty consistent message. The virus is mutating and changing fast, as they all do, but the vaccines are what they are. Omicron is a new virus, really, in the COVID-19 group. Its incredible ability to spread takes away a lot of the protection of others arguments, although where I am, hospitals are overflowing with severe cases, and the ICUs are filling again, fast. Those are non political facts that are easy to access. My wife had a cancer surgery delayed in wave one, because the local resources were overwhelmed. We know surgeries are being delayed, and hospital workers are burning out in droves. So there is a social incentive to make even a survivable case milder, if you are inclined to think in social terms. If you don't believe in society, there may even be a chance to save your own butt. The virus doesn't care. It mutates along, changing at random.
Well I went shopping tonight and just like on Christmas eve, people weren't wearing masks properly, or at all, even though there is a mask law in place.

Within 5 minutes of entering the store, I saw 5 people not wearing masks properly (covering mouth but not their nose), and 1 person without a mask. I asked to speak to the store manager and they called him up but he was busy for a while. Two of the night fill guys came over and asked what was wrong. I mentioned staff not wearing masks. They said it's probably because they are physically exerting themselves putting stock on the shelves. I pointed to one of the staff by the checkout who was standing there twiddling his thumbs and not wearing a mask. I said he is not physically exerting himself. I said the only people in the store who are exerting themselves are you two (the 2 guys from night fill) who are pushing a pallet load of stock through the shop.

They left and I waited a bit more before the boss turned up. I told the boss what was going on and he apologized and went around to each section telling everyone to put their masks on.

I finished my shopping and took it out to the car. When I came back into the shop I saw a young couple at the service counter and the guy had a mask on but his female friend didn't have a mask at all. The shopping centre security didn't say or do anything about it.

I then went to the other supermarket in the shopping centre and found 1 guy who wasn't wearing a mask.

I really don't know what is going to happen when the omicron strain gets into WA when so many people here won't wear masks. I have breathing problems and I still wear a mask into shops, why can't healthy people.
Well I went shopping tonight and just like on Christmas eve, people weren't wearing masks properly, or at all, even though there is a mask law in place.

Within 5 minutes of entering the store, I saw 5 people not wearing masks properly (covering mouth but not their nose), and 1 person without a mask. I asked to speak to the store manager and they called him up but he was busy for a while. Two of the night fill guys came over and asked what was wrong. I mentioned staff not wearing masks. They said it's probably because they are physically exerting themselves putting stock on the shelves. I pointed to one of the staff by the checkout who was standing there twiddling his thumbs and not wearing a mask. I said he is not physically exerting himself. I said the only people in the store who are exerting themselves are you two (the 2 guys from night fill) who are pushing a pallet load of stock through the shop.

They left and I waited a bit more before the boss turned up. I told the boss what was going on and he apologized and went around to each section telling everyone to put their masks on.

I finished my shopping and took it out to the car. When I came back into the shop I saw a young couple at the service counter and the guy had a mask on but his female friend didn't have a mask at all. The shopping centre security didn't say or do anything about it.

I then went to the other supermarket in the shopping centre and found 1 guy who wasn't wearing a mask.

I really don't know what is going to happen when the omicron strain gets into WA when so many people here won't wear masks. I have breathing problems and I still wear a mask into shops, why can't healthy people.
I get where you are coming from, but I feel that it is better to just leave people be. If they don't want to wear a mask all the way then I feel that its the shop owners job, not the commen people to confront those people. When the common people try to become tattle tales(for lack of a better word) I feel like this does not contribute to what the world is already going through. This causes people to harbor resentment and bad feelings toward other people. When people look around just to find someone doing wrong and then report on them it reminds me of what communist countries were and are like. This kind of behavior will only contribute to the taking away of the freedoms that we know and love. The people in communist countries are encouraged to snitch on other people. Also, the charts are showing that while cases are high, deaths with the new omicron varient of extremely low. idk. this is what I feel as a 17 y/o guy in America. It scares me to see what is happening to our world. I don't mean to offend anyone. this is just my opinion.
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In New York they are working on passing a bill that allows them to forcibly detain people who test positive for Covid-19.
That just doesn't seem right.
In New York they are working on passing a bill that allows them to forcibly detain people who test positive for Covid-19.
That just doesn't seem right.
or Constitutional
In New York they are working on passing a bill that allows them to forcibly detain people who test positive for Covid-19.
That just doesn't seem right.
Please don't spread misinformation.

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