your thoughts here...

At least your politicians have the testicular fortitude to make those decisions. Ours are more worried about the votes and won’t “spoil” Christmas…happy to have 1000000 people infected by Christmas Day, goodness knows how many in hospital…as long as nothing interferes with their ability to have an office Christmas party…oh, wait! They did that last year in lockdown anyway…😡😡😡
If as it seems, Omicron is less virulent and more contagious (normal virus mutation behavior) , and provides real immunity to all variants (as opposed to the 'vaccines'), then keeping those not at health risk from being infected is the wrong thing to do. Get the mild version, get immunity, move on with life.
At least your politicians have the testicular fortitude to make those decisions. Ours are more worried about the votes and won’t “spoil” Christmas…happy to have 1000000 people infected by Christmas Day, goodness knows how many in hospital…as long as nothing interferes with their ability to have an office Christmas party…oh, wait! They did that last year in lockdown anyway…😡😡😡
Measures that include business closures cost the nation an excessive amount financially. Thus far the cost on supporting businesses exceeds the combined money spent on health care, social care, public services and emergency responses *. And of course, if they tried to tell us not to meet with our loved ones for 'cheese and wine' a lot of people will now be inclined to ignore it.
The UK is in a position to have offered nearly every adult a booster by the end of the month and we are told this will offset the worst risks for most people. Time will tell.

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Here in Ontario we're starting to close up again, 3rd doses are rolling out and I think it is extremely likely that school is going to be online when we go back to school in January. At least the politicians are doing something. Problem is, in the span of one week we went from 1000-3000 cases per day, and that was yesterday. Today was 3300.

Cue Abba's Mamma Mia
Hi guys,

So I just went for a booster jab but was rather annoyed to see they only had Moderna for a booster. I asked for the AstraZenneca one on account my sister had Moderna and ended up quite ill and they said AstraZenneca was not licensed for booster. I was aware people can take a third does if they are highly vulnerable, however I read in the paper last week it seems if you had two vaccines, were fully vaccinated with a one or two month gap and THEN got the virus for real which is exactly what happened with me four months ago now which basically just left me with a bad cough, then you have very high immunity anyway.

Shall I just not bother with this?

Anyone else read much about the combo of vaccines and getting it and being alright?

Edit: I asked my sister about her experience with Moderna and this was her response: First time I was fine just headache on the day and sore arm for TEN DAYS, second time sore arm felt a bit sick third time felt fine until next day arm was excruciating for about 12 hours then fine after.
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I have heart inflammation from Pfizer and have missed a week of work so far. There's no government benefit that can compensate me and it's very frustrating. The one benefit for vaccine injury is only for long-term serious injuries or death, and my inflammation isn't expected to be long-term so just gotta hope I feel better before I have to go on EI.
I have heart inflammation from Pfizer and have missed a week of work so far.
Can your doctor give you anti-inflammatory medication for a month?

Heart patients normally take 100mg aspirin each day to reduce clotting. Maybe see if your doctor recommends aspirin for a month too, just in case you have any other heart problems.

I had major inflammation in my heart after both Pfizer vaccines and was already on beta blockers and aspirin (my heart has been stuffed for a while). I had to double up on the beta blockers for a month after each vaccine. The higher dose of beta blockers meant less chest pain when I moved around.
Can your doctor give you anti-inflammatory medication for a month?

Heart patients normally take 100mg aspirin each day to reduce clotting. Maybe see if your doctor recommends aspirin for a month too, just in case you have any other heart problems.

I had major inflammation in my heart after both Pfizer vaccines and was already on beta blockers and aspirin (my heart has been stuffed for a while). I had to double up on the beta blockers for a month after each vaccine. The higher dose of beta blockers meant less chest pain when I moved around.
I'm currently taking Naproxen for 2 weeks then follow up. It's helping somewhat, still missing work unfortunately.
At least your politicians have the testicular fortitude to make those decisions. Ours are more worried about the votes and won’t “spoil” Christmas…happy to have 1000000 people infected by Christmas Day, goodness knows how many in hospital…as long as nothing interferes with their ability to have an office Christmas party…oh, wait! They did that last year in lockdown anyway…😡😡😡
Politicians and Royals are the only ones allowed to to follow their own rules.
Reaction : "we are only normap humans after all and can make mistakes" . No pancakes you're making the mistakes normal humans cost a fortune being fined.
In the very begin of the pandemy two citizins and parents in law were fined € 1600,-- euro for dribkibg coffee OUTSIDE AND AT 1.50 METER DISTANCE. The PM then said it was a good thing to do not obeying the rules. After that several ministers themselves (and the King) broke the rules. Result : NOTHING..
one of the minsters is called Grapperhaus (Grap = Joke). Looserssssss
I had covid, my entire family had covid. Frankly its not that bad, if you have prexisiting conditions they stay home and wear a mask and vaccinate yourself. If your healthy and not immunocomprimised they its not a big deal. I've had flus that made me feel worse. The panic of omicron is hilarious to watch, people are sheep, and they panic and shut the country down over 3 cases. Wash your hands, get your vaccine if you feel so inclined and that should be the end of it. Look you can disagree with me! THATS FINE! but I'm getting sick of this. During covid I have become more depressed, more anxious, and my eating disorders have cropped up again, leading me to feel like death a question life itself. I am SO F-----ing sick of hearing all these healthy adults talking about how afraid they are of covid. I;m literally dying from depression and no one cares!!!!!! People dont give a cichilids a$$ about the long term effects of these lockdowns and ridiculous measures. So my advice to you? Do what you think is necessary to protect you, but don't give it any more thought, go about your life and live it how you see fit and stop for the love of god stop with the lockdowns they aren't helping anyone. Also please don't go around measuring the distence between people with yard sticks. It makes you look like a lunatic.
I'm currently taking Naproxen for 2 weeks

Be careful with that, I had took it for over two months owing to back problems and I ended up with symptoms of anemia which meant I was very low on iron and could barely breath any oxygen in the air, it took me an entire 10 of stuffing my face with a pack of pate everyday and eating steak pastry slices for lunch to get enough iron to be back to normal.

Politicians and Royals are the only ones allowed to to follow their own rules.

Yeah, yet more pictures of Boris and another cheese and wine party, no wonder he as a belly..
My situation this morning..... I manage a facility that trains athletes of all levels, from HS to Pro. 5 of our soon to be NFL athletes tested positive for covid yesterday, as well as 1 of our trainers. This morning I received an text that 2 more of our trainers as well as an intern woke up with symptoms. It looks like we may be closing our facility for a week or 2 to get things ''sorted out''. I feel fine and would like to lay low this week as I am flying cross country to spend Christmas with my in laws (albeit in a state with high covid numbers).
This video is going viral. It's a deep fake video with our prime minister Mark Rutte, our minister of health care Hugo de Jonge, Head of the Outbreak management team Jaap van Dissel and intensivist Diederik Gommers. Both Jaap van Dissel and Diederik Gommers are both working for the Outbreak management team which advises and consults to the Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS) and the Ministerial Crisis Management Committee (MCCb) in combating an epidemic.
In this video, it looks as if the cooperation of the government and the Outbreak management team has some positive and christmassy results...

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