your thoughts here...

The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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i came here to invoke.discussion. Instead I found a vast amount of judgemental people.

To answer directly to "well did you get your shots or not", YES, I am vaccinated.

Judgement should be reserved by everyone, and open discussion encouraged. Regardless of your beliefs, you'll never learn a damn thing if you keep your mind closed to all possibilities.

It is my fault, really. I made an assumption as well. I knew better.

It won't happen again.

Enjoy your bubbles!
IMO controversial off topic subjects are best left to more appropriate platforms. Try Twitter! Kindred spirits abound there.
@Fishiemang if you're going to argue about vaccines go to

I don't have the willpower.
I actually have a big Twitter account. But to paraphrase a brilliant man: I know too much to argue or to judge.

I sometimes enjoy the Great Debates as a spectator though
Who/ How did you catch it?

Are you vaccinated?

Any old or sick people in your house, or just you and your mum?
I'm waiting on getting vaccinated. I'm sorry but it was whipped together so fast I just don't feel comfortable with it. And don't say the FDA. The FDA has a pretty rough history of mistakes with drugs and medications so yeah I'm not vaccinated. I caught it from my pa. Its just me and my ma and pa. They are pretty sick, but they don't have fevers or difficulty breathing so they are just waiting it out. I had a stuffy nose and a cough and 2 days of feeling like I had the flu. But I feel great now. I'm just bored.
Screw this, I give up. I can't be bothered to argue. Bye.
Don’t scoff, TacoCat. I pissed off my dogs & cats & now they are huddled behind locked doors. I peeked in through the keyhole. They’re all wearing white lab coats & actually look kinda cute. I went to the alpha male’s Twitter feed. He’s saying they’re engineering a virus that will fix their humans. So I’m gonna really suck up to them big time now. Steaks & Tuna!
Getting heavy in here, time to lighten things up...

What's a cow's fart called?

Dairy air! 🤣🤣🤣
We're getting too argumentative here. It's turning this thread into people who believe in vaccination vs people who don't. Lets veer away from that and get back to the main topic of discussion here that was stated in the very first post of this thread way back in February of 2020 when Covid 19 first began spreading. I quote the first post of this thread:

The Coronavirus is spreading rapidly worldwide.
  • What is the present state of the virus in your country or state?
  • Do you know anyone who is infected?
  • What restrictions does your government have to prevent the spread of the virus?
  • Are you making any preparations such as stocking up on food and buying masks?
  • What is your opinion about the it overblown; or do you feel there will be a pandemic?
Please stick to the facts and stay on topic. Please be able to back up your post with a link to a reputable source if necessary.
I had flu like symptoms but those passed and i have a mild stuffy nose.
Glad you’re doing ok! The college athlete who’s helped me with a few odd jobs got covid before he was vaccinated. He said it wasn‘t all that bad; the cold he had earlier was a lot worse. But he & his whole fam went in & were jabbed. None experienced side effects fortunately.

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