cool stuff

I Would be more than happy to respect the oppinions of those who respect mine. I personally feel that calling me a madman is not respecting my oppinion :dunno: But mabey I'm wrong. Inch I think that what you said about creftsmenship is purely secondary as useing a gun for self protection is secondary. The primary reason is the reason stated in the Bill of rights from which all good things semm to flow. In order to maintain a well regulated millitia meaning a well trained millitia in todays english.

The fact that America is in an advanced state of moral decay can be traced to the policies of our past which have fed the cancers of society The welfare system hastought people of every race color and creed that if you put out alot of kids then uncle sam will pay your way and then your kids can do the same we have programs set up that simply spend money makeing our lives more misserable When the slaves were released at the end of the civil war many were given a free ride which bred a large number of dilinquants whos ranks have only swelled over the past century. When you no longer force people to work (as in free enterprise not slavery I'm anti-slavery) they dont work you take all meaning from there life and they revert to a sort of lord of the flys type society. Read an Essay by paul Grahm Entitled Why Nerds are so unpopulare to further examine the brutality that comes when meaning is taken from life. Life becomes not about Status based on what you do but on what you have so many turn to a life of crime (down thw streat from me there is a houseing project and an armainian immigrant named AirJohn who doesn't have a job but wears gold chains his father is to broke to buy food for himself but drives a cadallac) You here all the time that the recipients of wellfare are often children whos parents dont have a job but those children arent getting the money there lazy parents are. People Get paid to do nothing but drive around all day useing all to scarce energy resources, AT BEST. granted some people do need these serveces but there isn't neerly enought review for who deserves them. I watched a briliant movie the other day by the name of American History X which I Suggest to anyone who can find it and can get throught the White Power Crap in the begining. Just about every civil rights leader (with the exception of the great doctor franklin who I respect more than any other man in history) has focused on what they can get for there race and how everybody seems to be screwing them over instead of focusing on wheter or not they are doing it to anyone else. the epitome of gun ownersip in contemporary America is aout being responsable for your own actions and in the end thats all you really can do. Takeing away guns would be a shame, for the next 20 years the murder rates would sky rocket (not ust gun murder) and only outlaws would have guns plus we would not be prepaired for war and even the environment would be dammaged*.

Guns do have practical purpose in keeping americans alive and dont believe all the bullplop Michael Moore feeds you ecause of all the spin doctors on both sides of the media he is the worst.

*Deer populations in north america would sky rocket with out hunting crops would be lost to deer forceing farmers to take more land from the wild and put more fuel into there tractors as well as diverting more national waterways for irregation. Also cattle feed lots would be increased because of the need to provide meat to everyone who would be eating venison.
My personal opinion is that guns are for the police, the military and also farmers.

I honestly cannot see why anyone outwith these sectors would want to own a gun.

I appreciate different cultures have different views and i am only expressing mine.

I live in scotland where there is plenty of guns. Drug dealers have them, police have them, farmers have them etc. But i dont feel the need to have a gun incase a man with a gun breaks into my house.

If someone did break in, would i honestly want to have a firefight with him/her and risk getting killed or someone in my family getting killed?? No id wait and call the police who would then deal with it.

I just dont understand why people would collect them. They are designed to kill. Pure and simple. Why not collect replica guns? They look like the real thing but cant kill anyone.

Hi Inch,

I'm not missing the point at all. I myself have several guns including shotguns, rifles and handguns and i too enjoy hunting, clay pidgeon shooting and target shooting. I have been trained by the british army and used to shoot in competitions for my school and won several awards.
I have absolutly no problem with people owning guns for whatever reason and i totally agree with you about craftmanship, etc. and also that it is a very good hobby. The only point i was trying to make was that not everyone likes guns and wants to see them paraded on a forum.

as for opcn's comment:
In order to maintain a well regulated millitia meaning a well trained millitia in todays english.

Most people who are not from America would say that this is what the armed forces are for. If your primary reason for owning guns is to be ready to use them when 'Uncle Sam' asks you to then why not just join the armed forces?

I think that it's the 'showing off' about owning guns that certain people disagree with ie. mine's bigger than yours, i've got more, mine's more powerful, etc.
I would love to post pics of the guns that i have but would possibly get into a bit of legal trouble over a couple of them so i won't.

Again this is just my opinion, i personally don't have a problem seeing pictures of guns on here (or anywhere else)

BTW Nice guns guys :)
Aqua scaper the fact of the matter is that i'm just one man and the 2nd amendment enables millions to be more equiped for war. so its either a huge mandatory draft that would be a breach of civil rights I'm sure or guns for those who want them.
Hey, Inchworm

Here in Georgia, we don't need permits for rifles or shotguns, but we do for pistols!!

If you go to walmart and want a .300 win mag or a 12 gauge pump you have to wait 30 days to pick it up (probably because they don't want to sell the gun to someone who is going to rob a bank or shoot someone), but you don't need any kind of permit whatsoever!! :cool:

As too the question of why we Americans want guns, here's a true story...........

The people that live across from me are trash, so of course just about every night they have a big party and get drunk. Well my next door neighbor is a fireman, and one night he was working the late shift and came home about 12 at night and he was sitting in his truck, that has tinted glass, looking at some papers, and he happens to glance in his mirror, finding some guy walking up to his truck from the trashy peoples house always lookin behind him, so he waits till the guy gets closer to confirm what he already new, this guy was trying to steal his truck! so he gets his pistol out, opened the door of his truck and chases the punk away.

That's why we need guns!!

So to me it doesn't matter that I need a permit for pistols anyway, cause id never get one cause i could'nt shoot the moon with a pistol if i were 2 feet away from it!! :rofl:

But if it were a rifle or shotgun in my hands, that's different.......
while carrying a gun, you can't enter a bar (btw, bar = any place that serves alcohol.. as in almost any restaurant I can name), place of worship, any type of school, stadiums, any place that seats 2,500+ people, government buildings or any place that chooses to disallow carrying of firearms

You can't enter a bar? Then why would you want one?!!!!!!!!! :lol:

oh yes, the other exclusions are bad too :unsure:
whats with the US and their love for guns .... :eek:sama: 's got you all paranoid, i saw the bowling for columbine and what was the # .. over 11 thousands gun deaths a year????? i think the president should stop throwing cheap shots at his competition for the white house and start getting rid of some of the guns :p
Bowling for columbine is full of lies And michael moore Knew he put them there.

It was proven conclusively that they did not go to bowling class tht day

The interview with charleton heston was edited and the questions were dubbed in later

the lockhead ICBM plant that erics father worked at is Fictional made up by micheal moore himself Lockheed does have a plant there and they do produce rockets but no wepons components are produced there they launch satalites and Michael Moore Knew this for a fact!!!

Hes a great movie director and a fair writer but he is far from a journalist.

If you were to carbon copy amereica and take away all of the guns other forms of murder would rise such as Stabing, poisoning, drowning vehicular homocide, crosbow murders, beatings, Hackings (takeing someone apart with a large blade), and suffocations. All much slower ways to die. Sure guns may increase our murder rate SLIGHTLY but they are not the cause If I were going to kill my neighbors dog I would do it not because I have a gun but because It barks all the time (surely you see this truth). there are other reasons for americas high murder rate. And the notion that it has anything to do with osama is ludicrs seeing as how the ammendment has been in affect since more than 160 years before Osamas was a twinkle in his mothers eye.

And Ferenheit 9-11 is full of guilt by assosiation anyone who looks at things in a balanced manner and finds the insinuations in this film are correct must also agree that osama and Husein are not only allies but also frat brothers and cousines and had a joint bank account. Its full of staged scenes and slant. I like his work hes just a horrible liar.
inch said
This is no different than people collecting tea cups or whatever

hey you leave us british tea cup collecting assosiation alone.... i have some fine stained cups id have u know!!! were supposed to be white they are now a nice off brown black color!!!

i find guns extremly exciting.... in an adult veiw.. **cough** :*)
whooee! Hot debate!!!
Personally, I love guns!!! Being in the top 5 bb gun shooting team internationally, I think they are just fine!!!! I am also one of 6 kids in the country that got a 100% on the written test that we all had to do. So there! :D My brother was also on the team, he aged out this year. He's into air rifle and .22 now, that's fun too. I think if every kid knew how to shoot a gun safely and responsibly, then we really wouldn't NEED gun control, we'd already have it!
BTW, all your guns are cool!!! (yes FM, even your gun. :p ) I'm glad to hear that some people aren't afraid of guns and understand the other side of the gun control issue!!
All for now,
hey all i love guns and the pics were awesome :D but don't have any yet but...... i do have a nice collection of swords and knifes and cause of the respons people are getting for there pictures i set up all my swords and knives and took a picture.... but i have to get the film devloped so i might have them to post tonight :D why do americans love guns? because we can and noone can stop us you can do one of two things when it comes to guns..... fear them and blame them for murder.......( guns don't kill people, people kill people....) or respect then and be better off..... but i also respect anyone who hates guns and wepons but i would rather understand them then live in fear of them....... as long as you don't go arond acting like an ass with your gun say good on ya have fun with it shooting is so much fun :D i have a picture around hwere some where on me with blue/green hair holding a real tommy gun :fun: ( my wifes dad has enuff guns to start a small war :rolleyes: but he teachs respect for guns not fear anyway i hope i get my weapons picture tonight .
a wise man named vash the stampeed once said " PEACE AND LOVE!" :D :lol: :lol: cartoons kick ass :D
xXMrBonesXx said:
whats with the US and their love for guns .... :eek:sama: 's got you all paranoid, i saw the bowling for columbine and what was the # .. over 11 thousands gun deaths a year????? i think the president should stop throwing cheap shots at his competition for the white house and start getting rid of some of the guns :p
wow, you almost made me want to reply until you quoted Michael Moore: the closed-minded, lying windbag that couldn't make an honest, objective film if it meant his life.
scared? right. obviously the sole reason for owning a gun is because you fear everything around you. I'm like the little animated KKK/NRA guys in Moore's movie, I MUST have a gun to feel safe at night.
or you could stop listening to that idiot and consider the possibility that there are sport shooters out there. I know, this is a big stretch, but pretend for a moment that some people enjoy shooting... targets. some enjoy shooting and eating animals. hell, some people just COLLECT guns for decoration.
what then? would you call that gun ownership out of fear? I wouldn't.

let's look at Moore and his movie. Michael Moore cannot tell the truth. the statistics he quotes in Bowling for Columbine are FALSE or skewed at best. here is a link to a site that discredits what Moore says with ACTUAL FACTS (see contained links), something Moore has never offered. as far as he's concerned, his OPINION is just as good as fact. unfortunately for informed people, we have to tolerate the blind fools that follow his example and quote Moore's OPINIONS as though they are facts.
if the man had an honest, objective goal, he wouldn't have to skew reality in his movies and mislead viewers.

my favorite Mooreisms-
-selectively editing and splicing multiple speeches together to make Heston look like a hateful, evil person
-removing TWENTY TWO minutes of the at least 27 minute interview with Heston, and changing the questions in the editing room (did Heston kill Moore's parents in a past life or something? for some reason, this idiot sure has it in for Moses)
-taking the lowest gun-related deaths from all other countries spanning many years and comparing them to an over-inflated (i.e. false) number of gun-related deaths in the U.S.
-butchering a Bush campaign ad and getting creative with the editing to make him look like a bigot (something ALL presidents try to do when trying to get elected: alienate an entire race)
-implying the NRA has any connections to the KKK

all of the above, plus many other great lies and misleading/edited quotes all found in a great little movie called Bowling for Columbine: a fictional film by Michael Moore.
please read the above site in its entirety, follow the links proving Moore's "facts" wrong and come back here. tell me again how scared all gun owners are because Michael Moore said so. I can't imagine any person (except a closed-minded, uninformed liberal hippie) that would quote Moore again after seeing the kind of BS he pulls.

that being said... I like guns, I always have. I like to go to the range and shoot at targets. I support gun hunters, although I prefer a bow. I like collecting guns and I can admire someone else's collection.
I'm not scared of targets, deer, black men or commies coming into my home while I sleep. if you think I am, I wouldn't know how to talk any sense into you.
I_hate_platies said:
my favorite Mooreisms-
-selectively editing and splicing multiple speeches together to make Heston look like a hateful, evil person
-removing TWENTY TWO minutes of the at least 27 minute interview with Heston, and changing the questions in the editing room (did Heston kill Moore's parents in a past life or something? for some reason, this idiot sure has it in for Moses)
-taking the lowest gun-related deaths from all other countries spanning many years and comparing them to an over-inflated (i.e. false) number of gun-related deaths in the U.S.
-butchering a Bush campaign ad and getting creative with the editing to make him look like a bigot (something ALL presidents try to do when trying to get elected: alienate an entire race)
-implying the NRA has any connections to the KKK
Amen brother :clap: :whistle:

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