cool stuff

flyhockey1037 said:
hmmmm. im all for guns and gun collection etc. etc. And there is nothing wrong with everyone posting as many pictures as they want of there gun collection. But it's just that first one where you have a real gun pointed at that stuffed frog. I know it's not a big deal, but it hits some kind of chord inside. Like comparing the gun (a very adult toy) to a little stuffed frog portrays you as somewhat childish and not the kind of person i would like to see own guns. im sure (pretty sure) it wasn't the collection of guns but rather you pointing the gun at the stuffed animal that bugged her, and rightfully so.
if that scares you.. how bout this- when I lived in a state that allowed it, I was a CCW holder :)

I carried a USPC .357 SIG pretty much everywhere I went.

the anti-gun folk (a.k.a. liberals) have no idea what kind of responsibility it is to carry. here are some things you probably didn't know about CCW holders:
-if I get stopped for driving under the influence and I have a CCW (even if the gun is at home) I am subject to harsher penalties, and my CCW will be suspended for a minimum of 6 months.
-if someone spots my gun on me and decides to be a dick and call the cops saying I pointed it at him, I lose my CCW (possibly for life) and can possibly be charged with a felony. brandishing is the same as firing in the law's opinion. all of that, and I don't even have to know the person is there.. if it's some liberal having a bad day that wants to make my life hell, the police almost always side with the person complaining.
-if my gun is on my and an office pulls me over, I have to tell him I am a CCW holder and I'm carrying before he goes back to his car the first time or I will have my CCW suspended and possibly serve jail time.
there are plenty of cops that don't like CCW holders, so they make your life hell and all but rip your gun apart checking all of the serial numbers to make sure they match.
-while carrying a gun, you can't enter a bar (btw, bar = any place that serves alcohol.. as in almost any restaurant I can name), place of worship, any type of school, stadiums, any place that seats 2,500+ people, government buildings or any place that chooses to disallow carrying of firearms other words, don't tell me about responsibility. any CCW holder is 10x more responsible than the average person. not just because we want to be, but because we are held to higher expectations than the general population.

if aiming an unloaded pistol at a STUFFED animal is irresponsible in your opinion.. super. but don't try to tell me I'm the one with the problem. obviously you people need better things to complain about.
I'm also going to get my CCW. Here in Ky, the regulations are very simular if not exact same. I'm very much in agreement with every thing that the platie hater said.
hmmmm. im all for guns and gun collection etc. etc. And there is nothing wrong with everyone posting as many pictures as they want of there gun collection. But it's just that first one where you have a real gun pointed at that stuffed frog. I know it's not a big deal, but it hits some kind of chord inside. Like comparing the gun (a very adult toy) to a little stuffed frog portrays you as somewhat childish and not the kind of person i would like to see own guns. im sure (pretty sure) it wasn't the collection of guns but rather you pointing the gun at the stuffed animal that bugged her, and rightfully so.

I just want to let you all know that the frog went through some serious mental trauma, but that he's recovering quite nicely. :p *huggles Artemis* In all seriousness, I have nothing against the picture at all. I actually thought it was quite funny and very harmless when it was taken. *shrug* I don't really know how anyone could get upset over the stickup of a stuffed animal, but I guess to each his own.

because they're slow-moving, scared, boring fish.. my gf is in love with them and I think they're the most dopey fish you can buy. I mostly picked this name to annoy her

Just to let you dosen't work. Cause I love my platies. :wub: :p
Yeeeeaaaaah....Guns are pretty's mine. :flex: :flex: :flex: :flex: :flex:


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:hyper: Geez Chris, we better be respectin you from now on!

Well, I'm scared to lay out our guns :*) :*) :*) but my husband collects knives and here's the three I could find. The two on the sides are entirely hand made by his dad, blades and handles. The handles are antlers. The other one I got him for his b-day.

I just had to get on with the weapons too :)


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Well YEAH you better be respectin' me! :grr: I am packin' ALL the heat! :D

Do you have a permit for that bad boy Chris? :sly:
I'll call ya in and you'll have to post from prison :shifty:

Don't drop the soap and tell Bubba I say hi! :*
My mom told me to always use the soap with the rope attached when I go to jail.....

....the first time I thought she was just making it up... :rolleyes: I will never make that mistake again! :X

Whenst in the slammer, always use the soap-on-de-rope. :nod:
Why the hell do Americans like guns!!!????

Its no wonder why kids are getting killed each year in high schools across america when people are PROUD to own a gun.

America is the only western country that think its ok to keep guns. Here in Europe you'd be called a madman if you kept a gun.

And if you think you need a gun for your own safety, how do we in Europe survive without owning one.
paulioo said:
Why the hell do Americans like guns!!!????

Its no wonder why kids are getting killed each year in high schools across america when people are PROUD to own a gun.

America is the only western country that think its ok to keep guns. Here in Europe you'd be called a madman if you kept a gun.

And if you think you need a gun for your own safety, how do we in Europe survive without owning one.
Murders happen Guns dont caus them the social climate does. In parts of subsaharan africa where they have had there guns taken away the kill each other with machettes infact I'd say prior to guns the world was more violent and the average death was obviously more gruesome. Thanks to guns vast tracts of land are under one rule and squables for territory are far less common. Very few kids are killed in highschool by guns aproximatly one third the number killed by knives are we to stop useing knifes too? and by far cars an alcohal kill the highest number of highschoolers are we to stop driveing and go back into prohibition (which by the way created more crime and death than it stopped)

I am a Nice guy I'm not going to go out of my way to kill someone unless they do me some seriouse wrong (i.e. rapeists child molesters invadeing armies) but if someone were to attack me I would be able to dispatch them with a handgun. A would be attacker gives up there social contract protection (there rights to life liberty persuit of happiness) by choseing to violate my rights (life liberty persuit of happiness) I'm proud that I am able to do that. Police cant stop a crime but they can mop up the puddle of blood that is you after someone hits you several times with a club.

Funny thing america is also the most powerful country in the west by a long shot. Wars happen and haveing a populace that is knowledgeable and comfortable with the use of guns is very handy Its a fantasy to think that wars aren't going to happen anymore In the American civil war there was a great difference between the south and the north in firepower the north by far ut did the south but the northerners hadn't delt with guns much and simply couldnot be trained to the level that the south had been. the norths gunss were Far more accurate but the south used there antiquated equipment to far greater effect.

In europe you survive because there are no guns but we dont have guns enshrined in our constitution to protect us in the inbetween times we have them so that we may be ready for war simple answere would be that there haven't been any major wars in europe since everyone decided that guns were bad next time someone decides to launce an invasion on Europe and America I'm sure that we will see a difference.
Americans always go on about the 'right to bear arms'

Well what about the right to arm bears? why do they get left out?

Seriously though, if people want to show off their guns that's fine but you have to remember that it is not a common thing to see guns elsewhere and some people have strong views on guns, etc. and they should be respected.

America is in a far advanced stage of the way society is heading in general - criminals have guns therefore the police need to have guns, because the criminals have guns the public feels the need to have guns in case the police aren't there with their guns to protect them from the criminls with guns.

It used to be that the only armed police in the UK were a small group that were only called into action once it had been verified that firearms were in use. Most of the general public never saw them except for on TV. Now you can walk into any major UK airport and see armed police patrolling the area and even some city streets. That in some ways is very scary.

This is only my opinion and is not meant to incite any riots, wars or armageddon.
Hi Aquascaper :)

I think you are missing the whole point. :( Here in America guns are part of our national tradition and our right to keep them is specifically mentioned in our constitution.

Most of us who have guns collect them as a hobby. This is no different than people collecting tea cups or whatever. Many guns are beautiful and have excellent craftsmanship. Look for guns with hand carved stocks or engraved barrels and you will see some magnificent works of art. And many of these guns are quite expensive and are sometimes collected as an investment like other pieces of art.

Gun owners in America are often hunters and this is a great sport. I've gone hunting several times and despite the cold we encountered camping in a tent in the Adirondacks that late in the season, had a wonderful time. In addition to being a sport, if a hunter is successful, he or she will have a substantial amount of tasty meat for their table. :thumbs:

Another thing gun owners often do is to go shooting at the range. They do this to improve their skills and to socialize with others who like to do the same. And don't forget that shooting is a skill that does have to be developed by hours of practice. No one is born knowing how to aim a gun and hit a target.

Now, you also mention that some people do not like guns and we should respect them for this. Well, I would like to differ with you on that. Since gun ownership is an American tradition, and part of our history, I think we should be respected for our custom. :nod: But I don't see this happening here. :no:
Can't we all just get along???? lol
I personally hate guns due to a clueless coward, but I respect that it is a passion for those who have chosen to share it here. The only thing that even kept me looking through this is the drama. Hopefully these owners are careful that noone could get hurt as a result of their passion for guns. That is what is important. Correct me if I am wrong, did any of the gun collectors do anything inappropriate in their choice to share pictures with those of us who chose to look. There are always bad apples. I wish we couldn't keep guns, but it wouldn't be America if we couldn't. I choose not to have any in my house, I think it is too big a risk and only 1 part of what is wrong with our society. It is the people not the guns. I do agree with that. My husband blames it on Dr. Spock.
This is my opinion and I approved

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