Connor's Seahorse Journal

Thank you! Feeding wise i used live baby brine shrimp, frozen rotifers and frozen cyclops. But for the next batch ill have live rotifers etc ready and i ahev enrichened frozne BBS too now :)
As you may or may not have heard, they are extremly difficult to raise them past the 6 week captivity they dont receive something that they would in the wild...therefore they kick it just as they get their colour :(
AAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWW thats a shame. To be honest I know verrry little about seahorses, You never know you may be lucky and get the odd one survive. Fingers crossed for the little guys and thanks for putting the pics up :)
Seems there is not alot of commenting going on around the marine section, whiich is a bit of a shame when people take the time to share things. ^_^ :huh: :unsure:
Heres another pic of the the female today after having a big dinner

And a vid too :)
You can tell that isn't a True Black and White Percula clown. True Black Percs are all black and white, including the face, that one was tank-raised. But Nice fish nonetheless.
Plus, for every pair of clowns that are taken from the wild, their anemone that they have been feedng and living in will perish....
How are the babies doing ?

Still got some alive ?
Nah, afraid not :S But hes pregnant, and im prepared for the babies this time :D
Bit of an update...
I got a Green Mandarin for the tank. Got him eating frozen foods easy as cake (im just sooooo amazing :p ), if anyone wants to know my secret food mix, pm me! Well, my friend came round a few days later, and was amazed at how well he was eating and stuff. I bought him for £20, and sold him to my friend for £45...hes the on ewho offered the money! So, ive got copepod cultures going outside the tank and will ahve a HOB refugium going soon, so will give it a few weeks till i get another one, so i have a big supply of pods :D
The SHs are doing fine, eating out of a feeding dish now...theyre soo clever!
Heres a few pics :)



Both in the feeding dish
omg, that's freaking amazing.

my dream is to have some SHs lol
Think they are trying to tell you something.... FOOOOD! :lol:

Great pics, hope a few babies survive for you this time :nod:
WOW :hyper: This is really fascinating!! I hope everything goes well with the babies. Do you have any idea when they may hatch or be released or whatever happens ? :blush: Don't know to much about sh's.
Wow! Thats really impressive. I have the same tank and i want to go to salt water. where did you get you hood or did you make it?

Great pics too :hyper:

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