I don't bite, all that often...
Having seen a Scarlet Hawk with a £120 angel the same size as it hanging out it's mouth at work, I'd beg to differ on the "scarlet hawks won't cause you any issues" line. Granted, when well fed and settled, you probably won't find them a threat to your clowns, but if you go away or miss a feed and the hawk gets hungry, the clowns could suddenly become on the menu. In part, it depends on the type of clowns, Maroon clowns or Tomato's would be fine as Adults, but commons or Percula clowns are easily small enough to become lunch if the Hawk takes a fancy to them... I told my supervisor at work not to put the angel in with the hawk BTW, but he didn't listen. Needless to say the boss wasn't happy when he found out what had happened to the expensive rare angel he'd ordered in specially for a regular customer...