I used to be indecisive but now I'm not so sure!
well i am picking up one clown and 2 cleaner shrimps tomorow as that was supposed to be coming with the live rock but i decided to set the tank up first and let it settle down for 2 days.
then introduce the fish. i checked the stats and
ammonia 0
nitrite 0
nitrate 20
ph 8.3
salt 1.023
does that look good. the live rock was established in a tank for 2 years and was out of the water for a minimum amount of time as possible. i will be running my external alongside the liverock aswell for extra filtration and water movement.
Sounds like you are getting a mini cycle, so before you put any fish or shrimps in do a large water change
i wanted to add some anemones. would this be possible and how fish friendly are they.
It's possible, but not yet
once the algae is visible i think i will add the clean up crew then. i may introduce a few snaills though for the left over food.
but seeing as the rock is established and i will be having fish in there would it be a problem if the CUC were added in a weeks time.
young fisher. hows your changeover going to marines.
on my wish list is to have a pair of clowns. as i am getting one on sunday i will need to see whether i need a male or female.
just buy the smallest juvie you can find
i wanted a clean up crew and also some chromis. would like a type of dwarf angel fish and maybe a couple of grabs.
at the moment thats all i want. but i will continue to look out for something
You are doing the right thing - don't make rush decisions, you will regret them
what would you recommend that would be suitable but something brightly coloured and not aggressive.
Scarlet hawkfish
purple firefish
Seffie x