Common Or Peppermint Bristlenose?


New Member
Sep 9, 2010
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I am tossing up which one of these fish to buy - either common or peppermint (L183) bristlenose.

I don't want my fish to hide so I never see them, but I have heard that peppermints are timid and hide a lot. Does anyone have experience with them, and are they generally more scared than common BN?
I am tossing up which one of these fish to buy - either common or peppermint (L183) bristlenose.

I don't want my fish to hide so I never see them, but I have heard that peppermints are timid and hide a lot. Does anyone have experience with them, and are they generally more scared than common BN?

183 arnt so much timid but show there nocturnal side far more than commons, 183's also can get aggressive with there own kind and other plecs so i would consider this if any plans to add more plecs in the future.

I'm presuming your from Australia beings you've referred to them as peppermints?.

If you want a plec that you will see lol, then i would probably go for a female common BN, males tend to cave far more and not be seen half the time, females can be elusive aswell but you stand a far better chance to actually see them than not.
I agree.. commen all the way. I find that these fish are really amazing, and they are defintly me favourite of all the Ancistrus :good:

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