just down the road from me but dont have any room in any tanks........Jealousthere are a couple of these on AC but they're too far away

just down the road from me but dont have any room in any tanks........Jealousthere are a couple of these on AC but they're too far away
the tetra get quite big bodied and about 2-2.5 inches in length and the ornatums are a bit of a mystery as not many people have them but the bigggest wild caught is about 10 inches i believe.Poor tetrahow big will these guys get? My lfs got them in a couple of days ago and I'm tempted to start a whole new tank
i have been directed to this from someone on another forum which discusses the differences etc and it includes comments from jeff rapps who imported these to the UK from the USA.Great looking. What temperament do they have? Aggressive or not?
I saw a discussing on cichlidae regarding whether the ornatums released to the hobby last year was really cichlasoma Gephyrum a very similar looking species just from a different area. Have you heard any discussings regarding your fish?