well its 1 week tomorrow until the new tank arrives for the ornatums

not that im counting or anything........
the new tank is 60x24x24 and will be filtered by 2x FX5's, heated by 2x 300w titanium heaters and the lighting will be an arcadia LED tube. it will have unipac limpopo sand as substrate and lots of wood. i will be using the big piece of sumatran driftwood i removed from Keiths tank with another decent sized piece i found at an lfs along with 2 pieces of redmoor wood i bought ages ago if they will fit...... ive also been out and about and have picked up some very nice looking purple rocks from garden centers and lfs. the only plants will be artificial exo terra style that i have in Keiths tank.
the stocking will be -
6 x cichlasoma ornatum - ( ex-cichlasoma cf.ornatus )
6 x rainbow cichlid - ( Herotilapia multispinosa )
16 x colombian tetra - ( Hyphessobrycon columbianus )
1 x megaladoras catfish - ( Megalodoras uranoscopus )
and if its still available at lfs....
1 x red humped eartheater - ( 'Geophagus' steindachneri )
im still debating about having a trio of pictus catfish or good old humbugs as a clean up crew..... then thats the tank about fully stocked i think

until the ornatums grow up a bit then i will have to sell a few on if the aggression gets too much in there!
also if the colombian tetras start to get picked on again i might have to move them on and choose another dither fish but fingers crossed they will be safe