they all seem to get on fine at the minute. a bit of chasing but nothing out of the ordinary for a cichlid.I check here more or less evry day to see updates. Great to see some pics. Happy to see that they are growing good.
Any rivalties yet?
I have a set of 4 and a thread here about those:
They look very similar in size.
my ornatums have a red line accross the top of the dorsal where yours is a greeny/blue. otherwise they do look very similar on the video.
how old are yours?
thanks nelly.There looking good bro
im really glad i got them as they are colouring up now and looking great although from the bad pics i took you cant really see it

im still no closer on finding out how to sex these fish, after lots of searching and asking on other forums etc i still cant see any differences. ive seen male and female adult pics and still cant see the difference... maybe it will just be down to size