Cichlasoma Ornatum Journal

Could you not try some mollies Matt? Pending on the water parameters obviously.
I think mollies are often overlooked as dithers.

i have been out and bought a group of 12 colombian tetras today. they will be in a quarentine tank for a couple of weeks and all being well added into the ornatum tank to try and convince them that all is fine and they are allowed to venture out when im around :lol:

ill get some pics up of them soon :good:
ive noticed over the last few days that the EBJD is getting very teritorial over 1 end of the tank....

i hope i dont have to remove him/her as ive no room anywhere else :crazy:
here is a few (bad) pics of the colombian tetras im hoping will make the ornatums feel safer... fingers crossed it works :(



after watching the colombian tetras in the quarentine tank i think that they might have been a good choice they seem to shoal well and stay in the mid tank area. they also prefer feeding from the surface or middle so they wont be getting all of the ornatum food :good: they are however very fiesty with each other which i dont mind as long as it stays within the group..... :crazy:

i will be adding them in a weeks time after 2 weeks in quarentine if all stays well with them :good:
the back ground is a juwel bought one that was cut to size and siliconed on. it does look nice and worth the money in my eyes. 1 sheet was all that was needed so there are no joins which looks so much better :good:
it looks even better when not a quarentine tank and is planted etc :drool:
the colombian tetras have been in quarentine for almost 2 weeks with no issues so ill be adding them to the ornatum tank tomorrow :crazy:

i really hope this plan works..... im not sure if 12 tetras is going to be too many though as they are greedy things :unsure:
the tetras were introduced earlier this afternoon and have settled in very well and very fast :good:

but the best news is that it has worked the ebjd and ornatums are much more out and about, i mught even be able to get some better pics now :hyper:

watch this space :hey:
here are the best 2 pics i got tonight. as you can see the fins are colouring up nicely especially the orange anal fin and the green/blue speckles are more obvious now and the fish have grown since the last pics :drool:

yeah im very pleased that the tetras have done the job intended :D

they have made a vast improvement in the ornatums reaction to me. still a bit wary but it took 5 mins to get those 2 pics where as before i could have sat there for 30 minutes and got nothing....

the tank does seem very full now though! and its going to be august before they get the 6x2x2 upgrade :/ im sure its nothing a few extra water changes can sort out though :hey:

i hope to get plenty of pics of the ornatums now to post on here :)
Hello buddy, wow they are looking gooooooooooood :drool: ...
Iam loving the colombian tetra additions :good:

how are you budd, two weeks to go til i fly.. :fun:
im fine thanks mate :good:

they really have made a big difference to the ornatums behaviour. still a bit skittish but im sure that they will get better in time. i hope so anyway :unsure:

stop rubbing it in..... you will be able to collect some of your own ornatums then soon.... :hyper: is the rio san juan anywhere near your new place?

as it was yourself that introduced these amazing fish to me and the fact that it now contains colombian tetras i will dedicate this tank to you :good:

they will be getting a 6x2x2 upgrade in the summer so that bit more room should see them through and make the stocking seem less full..... the tank is certainly maxed out at the minute :lol:

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