I used to be indecisive but now I'm not so sure!
you can ask the lfs if they have any old salt buckets they don't want
that's how i transfered my first lot of lr
Seffie x

Seffie x

it will just be a fan or 2.
I had a heater get stuck a few months ago so at least this shouldnt.
Not the Queen Arabesque.
I have to say, they are the only fish mum is not having, I have a beautiful pair of them. The 20g that used to be the Nano is to be their new home, just for them. If I can get them breeding, Princess Coral could have one.
I reckon you would get away with another one.
Why nt look into culturing pods now? then you can get the manadarin a bit early and you will always have enough for it to snack on. Get it up and running for a couple of months and away ay go.