Cheesiest Tank Award

- sadly - one episode of funhouse!! how much did you want to go on that course at the end? oh and drive the go-karts?

oooooooooooooh yeah

they've done a new version of it though and it's just not the same, they don't have pat sharpe or the twins! :rolleyes:
hehe im gonna guess you like the twins more than pat sharpe like everyone else? lol
enough spongebob squarepants, where are the sharky & george etc?

Ok folks you have got to check out this site, when the wife found it we spent about an hour lookin through it and its brilliant.

80's cartoons including theme tunes and video clips
bugger....I went on to that site just to have a nosey and ending up going on to Amazon and spending nearly £60.00 on the Battle of the Planets and Dungeons and Dragons box sets!!!!

That was one expensive web link!! :blink: :p

already go that site in my favourites, yup always ends up an expensive visit :p
I also agree, but can I just say one thing. Please don't start a debate going, it is cruel and we all think that, there has been plenty other posts about people complaining and it does get rather annoying, there is nothing we can do about it, apart from not buy one, simple as. Your complaining about the betta tank, but they have 2 goldfish in the spongebob tank? Supposed to be 30Gallons+, to me it looks about 10Gallon...


Acually the one you think is "Ten Gallons" Is acually more like 5 Gallons. Those are little goldfish. isn't that sad...... That little tank also have not place for filtration, no place for airation (no place for bubbles) it's preety much a goldfish bowl. :grr:

Anyways, I love this topic it makes me laugh! I wish more people would show cheesy tanks, i know there is some out there. :hey: I'll stop by my pop's and snap one of his little 5 gallon. It's not super cheesy but it'll do.
oh dear lord don't start me on dangermous

my best mate has shed loads of old 80's/90's cartoons on dvd, we have little toon fests :lol: it's ace!!

lets see, I have:

6 Danger Mouse DVDs
1x Count Duckula DVD (was so pleased to see the pilot episode explains why they never wonder what thethuds are when the dudes fall off the side of the castle)
3x classic kids (magic roundabout, jamie and the magic torch, button moon, rainbow etc)

and I also have a few episodes (mysteriously appeared on the hard disk i bought for the PC) of trap door, puddle lane, rosie and jim and - sadly - one episode of funhouse!! how much did you want to go on that course at the end? oh and drive the go-karts?

enough on that though.

oh and yes, crime busters. well remembered, cmon im getting old. ive totally forgotten most of primary school now
Dont get me started:

I have all 5 series of Dungeons & Dragons.
The entire series of Ulysses.
80 days around the world.
All episodes of Thundercats
and the first series of Transformers

If anyone can get Cities of Gold then let me know :good:
I'm disappointed.

C'mon people, let's see pics of some really cheesy tanks! I know they're out there
Final episode of Dungeons & Dragons - they got back on the Roller coaster and went home. I had an arguement about this at work not so long ago.

I'm a 36 year old Tax officer and I spent 2 hours argueing with the 35 year old Head of Public Relations as to whether they got home or not, lol

The tank is cool, that's neat. I secretly crave a sunken ship....
It is pretty cute I have to admit :blush: although I don't think I'd have the ship in it personally but hey each to their own & I'll bet the kids really love it - they could make up their own little adventures about spongebob in the tank & the "invisible" fishes...or is it only me that does things like that heh heh ;) ...too much time on my hands(!)
Hi All,

I didnt think this topic would produce so much interest.

Anyway just to keep you updated sponge bob and friends are no longer alone my friend put 6 Neon Tetra's in the tank last night. He is going to wait a week and then add another 6. That will be it for his neons then.

Hi All,

I didnt think this topic would produce so much interest.

Anyway just to keep you updated sponge bob and friends are no longer alone my friend put 6 Neon Tetra's in the tank last night. He is going to wait a week and then add another 6. That will be it for his neons then.

Is he not getting some floating jellyfish for spongebob to catch??
I hope not, I think the tank looks O.K as it is. But then again it is his tank so god only knows what might go in next.


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