Can't Cycle


New Member
Jan 31, 2011
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My tank doesn't seem to be cycling. Its about 6 weeks in and the ammonia level has always been around 0.2 with nitrites and nitrates being 0. Any ideas?
Are you doing a fishless or a fish-in cycle?
I have a few fish in.

10-15% water changes over other day.
Hmm, I'm not too sure on the strange results then. Obviously, after 6 weeks there should be at least some bacteria.
The only thing I can think of is my water conditioner is dud and isn't dechlorinating the water.
Or, your tank is actually cycled and you are reading the chart wrong. There is a possibility.
I've tested every two days since setting it up. Even if I read the ammonia wrong (which I haven't), why was there no nitrites and nitrates?

I have a heavily planted tank, will that have any effect?
I've tested every two days since setting it up. Even if I read the ammonia wrong (which I haven't), why was there no nitrites and nitrates?

I have a heavily planted tank, will that have any effect?

is there ammonia in your tap water?
I am not reading the nitrates wrong, 0 is bright yellow, 5 is orange. BIG difference.

There is no ammonia in the tap water.

Is it possible that the ammonia is actually breaking down into small amounts of nitrites which the plants are taking up, thus the results are showing 0.
I am not reading the nitrates wrong, 0 is bright yellow, 5 is orange. BIG difference.

There is no ammonia in the tap water.

Is it possible that the ammonia is actually breaking down into small amounts of nitrites which the plants are taking up, thus the results are showing 0.

This could be a possibility, I'm not too sure.
If your fish are healthy and you can manage the water changes, I wouldn`t worry

With fish in cycling you dont necessarily see large amounts of ammonia and nitrite, especially with a small bioload and your water changing regime

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