Can I Keep Discus?

I agree with Paulf. I have only been keeping discus for a few months and did lots of research beforehand.
Discus are shoaling fish and are best with a minimum of 5-6 fish. 55gals or bigger is recommended as they grow quite large. your water sounds fine for discus. I do 3 water changes a week in my tank. I keep mine with corys, rams and cardinals. They are beautiful fish, well worth looking but do need time to keep their water conditions good.
well he could get 4 small discus, grow them on and have the pleasure and achievement of this, sell them on when they are nearing adulthood, for a profit of cause (I'm sure that wouldn't be difficult) and repeat the process
well he could get 4 small discus, grow them on and have the pleasure and achievement of this, sell them on when they are nearing adulthood, for a profit of cause (I'm sure that wouldn't be difficult) and repeat the process

He could also end up with four runt discus worth nothing though.... and they are not a fish you buy to fatten up and sell on, they need looking after..
Guess that'd rule out my 180L tank too - was hoping to get a breeding pair, but would rather be giving them the right size tank from the start as would want to keep them, not sell them on etc.

Sorry Guys, i am confused because i am not sure if you guys are talking to me or to KimA. I have a 180L tank with just 10xCardinal tetra. Surely i can keep 4-5 discus in that. I will not add any other fish after the discus...

I think they're talking to you & me now (I just happen to have the same sized tank/interest as you in maybe having a Discus setup)
Basically to you both a 180l tank should be fine for 4 discus or 5 and corys etc. get them like 4". they grow about 2" a year when gettin to the 6" mark and often get 8-9" in home aquarias so to both of you it should be fine. and yea kimA once your sevs are gone the discus will be fine in there. And on the need of rehoming them. Lfs will take bigger discus as you can get in larger discus and someone who has say a 7ft tank wants big ones not babys. and if you got a breeding pair you can have them even in a 30gal so if you got a breeding pair it would be perfect in your tank :)

o yeah, not to sure about the rainbow fish i dont see why not?
This is all great news... Does anyone know the best place to buy Discus over the internet (to your door)... I would prefer tank bred discus...

i dont sorry.. as i have a real good LFS whihc has lovely discus in so i buy them from there but make sure ur tank is planted. someone else can tell you where to buy your discus from over the internet as im not sure sorry! GOOD LUCK with your discus tank m8!
I have a 180ltr tank and i plan on growing out six young Discus. This size is fine although water changes are very important. I will be doing daily water changes of 50% for them to reach their potential size. If doing daily water changes you can break the rule a little. If you are going to get young discus under 4" then bare bottom would be the best way to go for best growth results. You will pay a lot more for a Discus of 4" compared to a Discus of 2". It is up to you if you are prepared to put all the effort into growing out young Discus. It can be hard work with daily water changes and lots of feedings although very rewarding when you end up with a fully grown Discus.
...and if you were talking to me - mine's been setup for a year
I am talking to The Godfather.

You said you had: "Ammonia=0 nitrate=0 nitrite=0" This is an un-cycled tank. If it were cycled you would have a nitrate reading higher than 0... unless you did a 100% water change before checking your levels??

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