Building A Super Tank

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I think that you should just forget these tank, its not going to cost 2500 dollars, and you cannot make everything except the lights, you cant "make" the pump, the heater or the lights, you may be able to modify them but you cant do it from scratch.
CFC makes a very good point, its just not going to be feasible, esp on a "$2500 grand total" budget...
I would point you to a good shark and ray keeping forum, but its not aloud and I wouldnt like you pestering them like you have us, its just getting stupid now...
Face the fact that at 13, you wont be able to have these monsters for a good while yet, I had to face it a year or so ago, and I was older than you, but now I can see that the tanks aint gonna get much bigger, for now. Please let it slip.
One thing you could do, which I really do think is possible for you, would either be an outside pong of arround 1500g with gars, channel cats and other larger bits and bobs that can take abit of cold (depening on where you are) or and indoor FW one of about 600g or so with other things.
You must be EXTREMELY rich to think about doing this.

Or extremely stupid.
I'll take that offensivly, just to let you know.

And my family has more than enough money to do this.

I should have it in a few months.


Im not bothered that you take offence, tbh.

You aggrivate me.

You are making a new "SUPER ODDBALL :hyper:" tank everyday.
you are investing so much into this. is it worth it?
I think that you should just forget these tank, its not going to cost 2500 dollars, and you cannot make everything except the lights, you cant "make" the pump, the heater or the lights, you may be able to modify them but you cant do it from scratch.
CFC makes a very good point, its just not going to be feasible, esp on a "$2500 grand total" budget...
I would point you to a good shark and ray keeping forum, but its not aloud and I wouldnt like you pestering them like you have us, its just getting stupid now...
Face the fact that at 13, you wont be able to have these monsters for a good while yet, I had to face it a year or so ago, and I was older than you, but now I can see that the tanks aint gonna get much bigger, for now. Please let it slip.
One thing you could do, which I really do think is possible for you, would either be an outside pong of arround 1500g with gars, channel cats and other larger bits and bobs that can take abit of cold (depening on where you are) or and indoor FW one of about 600g or so with other things.

Funny. I belong to a really good shark and ray forum, and they all seem to think that I can do it. I wonder why??

Maybe because they aren't ignorant jerks who think that just because I'm 13 I can't have anything that they can't.

I'm moving on from this forum.

Don't expect to see me here again.
Don't expect to post in this topic again, as it is now closed.
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