I was hoping you would split the thread, Inchy. It seemed like it would help with the continuity and to get us started. So thanks for your good mod work!
I only had one brief problem with my splendens when I got my first group from the lps. They got a fungus from overstocking and I lost one along with a sterbai and some harlequins. But I have not had trouble with them since, or when I added the wild caught group.
I'm thinking that maybe your wild caught were deliberately chosen for their large size, lljdma, because those are what you were looking for at the time. I know that you also got the last ones from a batch, as I remember, as well. I am sorry about that loss. I know you liked them and were proud of them.
As far as the multis are concerned, I have my 6 in a 25 usg tall with an Eclipse hood. I am sure mine tear up their noses when I don't keep them totally overfed with black worms. When I miss their feeding schedule, get low or run out of worms and give them something else--even frozen blood worms, that is when I come in to see the 2 bulldozers with their noses torn up again. They never quite get healed up. As long as I overload them with blackworms they don't try to move everything--including the tank glass--looking for live insects. They seem to think they are mini HULKS. Fortunately the filter cartridge in the Eclipse hood is easy to change with all the worms I have to keep shoveling at them.
So my plan for the future is a tank with a larger footprint, a deeper substrate that they can nose into where lots of worms can hide and only cloth plants with the weighted bottoms which they can move to their heart's content. Hopefully that way I can keep them well stocked with wiggly live things so they don't miss a meal when I am off their schedule.
I haven't lost any of the multis, but I did use a mild Mardel product right away when I saw what they were doing with their noses. (Just for reference, this is the product I used:
Maracyn Plus. I have found it useful early on and preventative in these kinds of cases, and it does not disrupt the nitrigen cycle.)
How do the Britskis do, Barracuda?
Maybe I can get up some new pics this weekend.