Brochis Thread...

I thought I would post this pic of the Brochis multiradiatus


I have moved them away from the enterance to the fish room. That with the added plants (cloth artificial) seems to have helped them. But so far 2 still keep their noses raw.

Another shot of the Brochis splendens and C. pantanalensis
Beautiful shots, Jollysue. I was actually meaning to ask you where in the room you kept the Brochis, but it seems that you solved the problem on your own. I had been wondering about the location of your tank? My Brochis were kept in tanks away from entrances. Yours may have been spooked by the activity at the doorway. Mine never developed raw noses, however, yours are still alive and I've lost all but one, so what do I know? :lol: Accidents took most of them, but I think now a water issue may have also played a part in my case, especially since I stopped injecting CO2, my hardness and pH are probably not so great for wild-caught fish anymore. Great for livebearers and hardy fish used to the conditions, but not for more delicate species. The advantage, is that I'm not pruning every five minutes.

I hear that! No Pruning! Yeah! No CO2! Yeah!

I have had problems at times acclimating a fish or two. Usually though it is the tank bred ones that have only known one type of water--And not mine! I had a horrible time with some of Frank Falcone"s babies, if you remember. I still lost more and just shut up about it. I was told by "him who shall not be named" (not Ian) to drip my water changes, because sometimes tank bred fish have a hard time with water parameter changes. Everytime I did a water change I lost a Falcone fish. Most of them I held onto enough to have a pair at least. But the S. prionotos I lost all but one. I must have killed about 14 or more of those guys. Poor little fellas hated my water.

The B. splendens are not as spooky as the multiradiatus, but they have always been in a larger group. I have now heard from others who have fish that rub their snouts raw on the glass going up and down. It is apparently with some species more common. I never had the problem with the splendens. But I do have Corys that keep getting bumps on their noses trying to push things to get at the black worms.

There are 2 multis who keep their noses rubbed all the time. But I am hoping they will cool it a bit since I moved them toward the back.

Thank you for the comments. I took some more pics today of the fishroom and some took I think.

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