The BE-Team Fighting For Betta Extermination
Just ask your LFS if they will take it, if they say yes, take it to them, try exchange for a BN or 2.
BN? I think I'll hold on to him untill he outgrows the tank. Yall check out my new pics topic. It has my plec and corys in it.
Yeah, but maybe you could breed them when they're small. I would also have a heavy duty sump pump going with the input on one side of the tank and the output on the other to create the very stong current loved by plecos. I would also feed them only live bloodworms and whiteworms, along with fresh spirula algae. I'm full of ideas.
Yeah, but maybe you could breed them when they're small. I would also have a heavy duty sump pump going with the input on one side of the tank and the output on the other to create the very stong current loved by plecos. I would also feed them only live bloodworms and whiteworms, along with fresh spirula algae. I'm full of ideas.
5 month old guppy = 1 inch
1 inch guppy = sexually mature