Breeding My Discus

Good to hear, look forward to seeing pics of them hatched.


About 25 of them are infertile, but the remainder still look OK
She must have told him to get his lazy butt in gear and do some parenting duties!


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Nice eggs!
I love how many synonyms you have for fertilization.

Trying not to be crude....this is a family show after all!
Good! ;) You're doing a good job, keep it up! :lol:

now I even have her doing water changes for me
Tell her to come round here and give my man-wife some lessons!

12 hours in now and Mum has been on constant egg watch. Dad, is kicking back on the sofa and snacking on Tetra Bits. He is like, "my work is done here"
bahahahahaha typical MAN! :rofl:

She must have told him to get his lazy butt in gear and do some parenting duties!
Good on her! :lol: :lol:
Sorry..... Youtube got all funny about some copyright with regard to the sound track.......sorted now. Enjoy

Never stuck a video here before, so hope I got it right?
We're about 24 hours away form hatching, and I have to say that it looks like(at the moment) about 50% of the eggs are not fertilized

I am both disappointed, and yet still hopeful. There are still 40-50 eggs that look ok, so my hopes rest firmly on those. I guess nature knows best, and as these are a young couple there is no way they could handle feeding the 5,000 ...... so even if we get a 25-30% hatch rate I will be happy. I have never in 30 years of fish keeping been attached to any fish, it has always been a hobby, and the fish and plants and rocks and sand all just been part of a relaxing painting like you see in the dentists waiting room. These 2 guys have changed all that! I can't put a finger on it, but for the first time in my life I have 2 pets! Very odd. Even my girlfriend is confused by my behavior where these guys are concerned. Before this I owned fish just the same as I own house plants......pruning and trimming to achieve the right look, but with these guys I am, and for the first time, nurturing! .......... I must have gone all soft
ha! no worries :) Im still just slightly disapointed you didnt get the 'buff boyfriend' on camera!

I'm really hoping you get some fry out of this!! with all of the time and effort, would be nice to see something. They way it sounds though, even if they dont pull through this time, you wont loose faith! really look forward to the next few posts from you!!!
ha! no worries :) Im still just slightly disapointed you didnt get the 'buff boyfriend' on camera!

I'm really hoping you get some fry out of this!! with all of the time and effort, would be nice to see something. They way it sounds though, even if they dont pull through this time, you wont loose faith! really look forward to the next few posts from you!!!
Thanks man. I won't give up with these two. They are too good

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