awww I look to my right and I see Charlie constantly patrolling his tank and systematically flaring at himself heh. He's so beautiful when he flares. Since I don't have a digital camera I'll describe him. He is a short finned bluish crimson male with gorgeous indigo fins that have a tint of red and violet. I like him soo much. I didn't realize I'd get so attached after buying him, I only wanted to cycle my tank hehe.
ooo trust me bettas are very very addictive They are always so fulll of personality that's why i have 9 and still can't stop buying them
anyways, if you want to cycle your tank, why not look into fishless cycling? there is a pinned article under beginner's question that is a step by step walkthrough of how to do it. It gets the job done faster, and you wont' be stuck with the fish you chose for cycling after your done
p.s. forgot to mention how lovely Charlie is is he a plakat? sounds like it if he is short finned
Trust me I don't mind being stuck with Charlie at all I adore him hehe I wouldn't trade him for anything... well maybe a nice 120 gallon marine setup hehe. Don't tell him I said that
there is a link to a pic of a plakat, off the almight aquabid
they are beatiful fish, but hard to find in an lfs unless charlies' a plakat, if he has really short fins he's either very young, or he's really a charlotte
It strikes me as weird that the plakats are more expensive than the long finned ones... you'd expect those ones to be more costly wouldn't you? As in many fish where the veiltail varieties are much more expensive. Although in Bettas I find the plakats much more attractive... they don't have that raggedy look that the veiltails have. Sorry if I offended anyone I am sure many of you worship the long-finned variety )