Breeding Bettas

i love them too :D but i keep all my bettas in 1.5G containers, and they seem to be doing fine :flex:
clown loaches are cool. if you want (and again depending on waht you put in your tank) maybe you can set up a female community tank, those are cool too :) females are shoickingly interesting and very much full of personality :flex:
ok it's settled he's moving to my 5. Let's plan my 46 gallon tank then. Considering the plants I have in there now... Some Java fern, a couple of Amazon Sword, etc.. I think I should hold off on the Discus for a while. I should experiment with some gouramis and clown loaches first right?
Yeah, but I was kinda hoping for a community tank. Howbout a pair of dwark gouramis to start off, and 3 clown loaches? later I can add some Cardinals too or whatever and several months in a Discus or two. What do you think?
well i dont' really know anything outside of bettas :huh: but cichlids are also cool if you like them :D i heard discus are hard to keep :huh:
Yes Discus are the "epitome" of freshwater fishkeeping. They are very picky cichlids and thats why I want to wait several months before adding them. So I think the dwarf gouramis for now and the clowns as well as maybe a pair of angels they are beautiful too, and quite peaceful with gouramis I've heard.
Many experts measure success in how long you can keep a Discus alive lol. Yes I agree cichlids are awesome I had a pair of small africans myself and they had so much personality. They were definitely my most fun fish to watch. Although Charlie comes close hehe.
-_- wish i could give ya more info about teh compability of those species, but to tell you the truth i've never kept them before :p just bettas for me :lol:

there are plenty of others though, if you make a thread in the tropical chit chat or something you'll get tons of responses :D
ok cool hey you're one of the nicest people I've seen on this forum, and my first new friend here :D I just noticed you're in Canada too. Where from? I used to live in Toronto. Anyway I'll be sure to come to you if I need any Betta advice. What's your name?
Hey wait a second on your sig it says you have bettas and blue gouramis in one tank... so you do have experience keeping those two together?..
:D heya, thanks for the compliments :*) there are plenty of ncie friendly ppl here :nod: i'ts a great place and that's why i love it ;) feel free to pm me if you ever need hlep on the bettas (i'll try my best to help anyways :p can't say i'm an expert).

I live in the toronto area :nod:
-_- i should really get that updated. i have now moved the 2 gouramis wtih the other 2 in the 25g, they seem much happier. I saw signs of aggerssion and was afraid that the female bettas would be hurt so i took the gouramis out. It seems like they were chasing each other :p but they were only in for a day so i guess you can't really tell
Do you have a black background on your betta tanks? In my experience it causes Charlie to flare much more often cause he sees his reflection more easily. As opposed to before when the background was not there. Oh and you still haven't told me your name. Unless you want to keep that confidential, I understand. I'm David (obviously).
Ok i'll try putting in some gouramis and if it doesnt work out Charles is moving to the 5. Thanks anyway.
hmm well no, none of my bettas have a background at all to them. They're kept in clear tanks which are placed next to each other so they always have a neighbor to flare at ;) i believe this keeps them active, becuase i tried putting the bettas in opaque containers for a week and none of them would eat or even move :sad:

once i put them back in the clear ones they were all up and flaring and eating and bubblensting all over again :thumbs: I have one single betta that would flare at the sight of my finger :blink: he's an aggressive one :wub:

anyways, my name...let me give you a hint :p it's a city in Italy :lol:

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