Birds And Bugs


Cheer up, the worst is yet to come. ~ P. Johnson
Jul 31, 2004
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The Netherlands/UK
Just thought I'd show off some of the pictures my mum has taken over the years. Most of these animals were photographed in the wild. The only exception is the owl who is someones 'pet'. Hope you all enjoy =)

Click the thumbnail for a bigger picture.

Absolutely Beautiful professional !! Very impressed Erised :wub: Mary xx p.s She ever thought about getting these into a nice book and have it published ??? Lovely thanks for sharing . xx
Absolutely Beautiful professional !! Very impressed Erised :wub: Mary xx p.s She ever thought about getting these into a nice book and have it published ??? Lovely thanks for sharing . xx

She's not thought about a book of her own, but she has been in serveral nature magazines =) Her pictures can also be found on quite some websites as well as on some dutch tv channels during the news images. Who knows though, maybe in the future!
Great shots! The songbirds especially, do you know what species the gray and orange bird is? :good:
It's a robin. I must admire the colours on that picture throw you off a bit because of the angle. If you see the pictures on which you can mostly see the back (I'm trying to upload one, but SmartFTP is being mean and not opening, I'll -edit- when it does open) you can see it's mostly brown. I'm pretty certain that it's a robin anyway =)
And thank you =)

Finally opened, so a new picture is uploaded:

hey cool my dad is a professional photographer!! he doesn't do much nature stuff but he has done some stuff with this person called Safari Dan who ownes owls, hawks snakes i had a snake of his wrap around me for a photo and i also help a toad :p
wow, what a big difference from the American Robin!!

My husband always use to comment on how different they are.

I like the US version of Starlings better then ours, they are all tall and long looking, here they are just sort of squat.

Unfortunately, if you do a search on "US Starling" it just shows the same pictures of European Starlings, but they are different to look at up close and personal. Even if they are all decended from the same birds, they've changed, the American ones are different - or maybe it's just that everything is bigger in Texas? :lol:
is it just me? i can't see any pics?

Umm, just you? It works fine here as well as on a couple of other computers around me that I've checked. Honestly have no clue what could be stopping your computer from displaying the pictures though. You can see the pictures in other threads?

And Peter, you'd know they're on a website, you're the one that put it together for my mum after all :p

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