Well I've been away for a long time. A lot has changed since I've last been around. Absolute disaster hit a while back, something I still don't have a clear answer for. I lost my cardinals and I ended up removing my puffers to the same guy that took my trigger. Shortly after that I lost my clown. Hair algae and bubble algae absolutely took over. Throughout the whole time my nitrates were were always around 10 and never peaked higher then 15. Regardless of how many changes I couldn't get that any lower, but maybe not ideal I believe those numbers aren't awful? LFS believes perhaps a salinity spike although I've never had an issue in the past. No extreme evaporation problems, and my salinity has always been around 1.024 in my tests. Although I never got an answer from my town, I believe strongly that something happened and our water was heavily dosed with something. It's the only thing I can think of. It seemed like the more water changes i tried the worse my situation got. This has forced me to take a very big step back and I'm focusing on very good husbandry. I have recently added an ro/di and I strongly feel it is paying dividends immediately. Three emerald crabs, although not the cutest in the world, are doing amazing work for me. I'm working on upping my CUC man power with turbo snails and nassarius snails. As for fish, my awesome regal tang is all that remains. He is dong very well, growing and colors are incredible. Not much positive to report, but the challenges I'm faced with will make me a better in the long run, and it makes me more excited to show updates when this all is behind me.