Betta With Weird Growth?

I had a problem with euthanising a fish and clove oil was recommended to me. you can get it from your chemist for only a few pounds you just add it to a small container with a lid. add about 20 drops to enough water to completely cover your fish. put the lid on and shake well ad your fish to it and then check in about 10 minutes add more clove oil if you aren't sure if its dead yet.

Actually clove oil does not kill fish... It acts as an an Anesthesia... it simply puts them to sleep. People use this before they actually kill the fish, to ensure that the fish doesn't feel anything. I repeat clove oil DOES NOT kill the fish.

Also - one can freeze a cup of water - and when the surface is the only thing frozen - break the surface and drop in your fish... the change in temperature is such a shock on such a small organism that they die instantly... no gore

I've heard mixed reveiws on this, never tried it myself though

Well unfortunatly I had to put him down. He was not eating and he was really starting to look really bad. It's to grusome to tell. So over all he was not well. I figured is what would be the best for him. I have never had this happen before, that I have had to put a fish down. But thankfully he went peacefully and quickly, it's much better then suffering. So all is now over...thanks for all the advice though!!!

I am so sorry for your loss, but if he was suffering then it was for the best *Big Hugs* :friends: for you!

You also end up with fish guts everywhere :sick: .Stick a needle through it's brain...Would this work?
i cant believe you are all talking in this way, you could have a more pleasant way of putting it

It wasn't that bad, its the facts of life, not everything needs to be sugar-coated
if you are going to kill it, you might want to do one of the following because it is much easier. clove oil it, once its gone, run it over with a car. quick and you dont have to look at it. make sure you do it in the street though because im pretty sure you dont want to clean that up. or just get a pellet gun and shoot it in the head, quick and easy. oh yeah, if you are using a pellet gun, put a block of styrofoam behind it or you might end up hurting yourself
if you are going to kill it, you might want to do one of the following because it is much easier. clove oil it, once its gone, run it over with a car. quick and you dont have to look at it. make sure you do it in the street though because im pretty sure you dont want to clean that up. or just get a pellet gun and shoot it in the head, quick and easy. oh yeah, if you are using a pellet gun, put a block of styrofoam behind it or you might end up hurting yourself
im sorry but i think thats really sick and twisted, who wants to find a squashed betta on the street, the least you could do is clear up the mess.and the pellet guns a little vomiting too, who has the heart to fire a pellet into the bettas head, plus all the blood. :sick:
dunking in freezing water is much quicker and less messy
sorry if i offended you guys, i was just saying shooting it or running it over is easier than cutting its head off since somebody mentioned it. i always thought the betta could still feel pain in the cold water, so i didnt suggest that. im just trying to help

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