betta fish help needed

Abbey atkinson 93

New Member
Aug 13, 2023
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Hi every1 I've bread bettas in dads tank which Ive only just realised your not supposed to do but now I've got free swimming fry I've took dad out and put him in a new tank since I've done this he is stressed and I don't no what to do Ive checked his water and his temperature there both OK any clue what to do as I don't want him to eat my fry
can you set up a tank just for the fry? You have to feed them special foods. Others here may be more helpful about raising and feeding the fry properly.
you would need to have a properly cycled tank to put them in. Can you move over some filter media from your other tank into a filter for a separate tank?
Do you think I could just put dad back in his tank and move the fry out off dads tank and out Into the other tank
you would need to have a properly cycled tank to put them in. Can you move over some filter media from your other tank into a filter for a separate tank?
I'm sorry I dont understand what you mean filter media ??
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what kind of fish is "Dad"

If you have a second filter for a separate tank, you could speed up cycling by moving over some filter media from an established tank. Media is what is in your filter to filter the water. You could cut up some of the filter media to fit into another filter for a separate tank.
More knowledgeable members on this subject should respond by tomorrow (here in the states)
Hi every1 I've bread bettas in dads tank which Ive only just realised your not supposed to do but now I've got free swimming fry I've took dad out and put him in a new tank since I've done this he is stressed and I don't no what to do Ive checked his water and his temperature there both OK any clue what to do as I don't want him to eat my fry
Is this a serious question?
I thought that anyone who successfully bred bettas knew that dad remained in the tank to look after the fry.
I'm really not qualified to answer questions about breeding bettas. Some more knowledgeable members should respond tomorrow morning ET (US)
Is this a serious question?
I thought that anyone who successfully bred bettas knew that dad remained in the tank to look after the fry.
He does remain in the tank until they are free swimming I didn't realise that your not supposed to use dads tank as a breeding tank and dad is a betta fish
what kind of fish is "Dad"

If you have a second filter for a separate tank, you could speed up cycling by moving over some filter media from an established tank. Media is what is in your filter to filter the water. You could cut up some of the filter media to fit into another filter for a separate tank.
More knowledgeable members on this subject should respond by tomorrow (here in the states)
The filter isn't the problem the problem is that I've took dad out of his own tank and put him into a new one and the fry are in dads tank but dad isn't happy about been in a new tank but I can't leave them together incase be eats them
I would set up your other tank for the fry so dad can stay in his tank. Putting some filter media to help the tank cycle quicker is just to move some of the stuff from your filter like a sponge or a used filter cartridge into the new tanks filter but I’m not quite sure because I have a hang on the back and I don’t think my tank is really set up properly. Congrats on actually attempting to breed your bettas and it being successful is amazing. I hope this helps a bit.
I would set up your other tank for the fry so dad can stay in his tank. Putting some filter media to help the tank cycle quicker is just to move some of the stuff from your filter like a sponge or a used filter cartridge into the new tanks filter but I’m not quite sure because I have a hang on the back and I don’t think my tank is really set up properly. Congrats on actually attempting to breed your bettas and it being successful is amazing. I hope this helps a bit.
This does help thank you and the only problem I will have is that they will be too small to even see the fry to try and move them. Takes me to long to try and find them a think there is only like five or sum it
If you only have a few fry left, the chances are the remaining fry will not survive.
When you have fry again, leave the male with the fry until they are large enough and can look after themselves. The male will not eat the fry.
Do not move the tiny fry from the tank until they are big enough, or they will not survive the change in water conditions.
So should I just leave everything as it is for now do you think, dad is in a new tank trying to settle and fry are in dads old tank there has only been like five fry from day one and they have been free swimming for six days now

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