Best Substrate Hi Tech Tank


Fish Addict
Feb 16, 2011
Reaction score
So will be moving from Low Tc over to Hi Tech

Currently using plain old Argos Play sand on my 330 Gallon, looking for something more adeqaute for a High Tec approach.

This is What I want to do:

Tank Volume : 330 Litres (75 Gallons)
Tank Dimensions : 4ft x 1.5' x 30"
Lighting : 3 x 39w T5's (1 x 6500l, 1 x 8000k, 1 x 10000k)
CO2 : Pressurized CO2 System (FE Method)
Fertilizers : Weekly dosing of TNC Ferts
Substrate : Unsure, Thinking 2 " of Eco Complete, Topped with 1.5" small Black gravel 1-3mm
Filtration : Tetra Tex EX1200
Flow : 4000 LPH (1000 from filter, 3000 via powerhead)


Carpet Plants : Hemianthus callitrichoides 'Cuba'

Foreground : cryptocoryne wendtii Brown
: Eleocharis acicularis

Midground : Alternanthera cardinalis
: Nomaphila stricta fleur

Background : Aponogeton Ulvaceus
: Amazon Swords
: Echinodorus ozelot leopard - green
: Gymnocoronis spilanthoides

Bogwood Plants : Taxiphyllum Spiky Moss

What is the best substrate to use?
What about 2" Eco Complete. 1.5" 1-3mm grain black gravel?
Well the plan is good but I'd want to dose ferts daily and use an inline atomiser diffuser as they save you CO2 and you can't see the equipment.
I'd recommend soil capped with fine black grave. It'll save you a ton of money in ferts because you will no longer need to dose them, but that's just my preference, I'd definitely switch the tetra tec for the ehiem equivalent bar those tweaks everything listed looks like a great plan.
I'd recommend soil capped with fine black grave. It'll save you a ton of money in ferts because you will no longer need to dose them, but that's just my preference, I'd definitely switch the tetra tec for the ehiem equivalent bar those tweaks everything listed looks like a great plan.

Thanks people for the input.

Interms of my substrate then, i am thinking:

Bottom Layer : 1" John Innes No3 Soil (with sand and clay mixed into the mixture to enable easy movement of roots, and nutritent storage from the clay)

2nd Layer : 1-2 cm Tropica AquaCare

3rd Layer : Cap/ 2" of Black Gravel grain of 1-3mm

This sound good?
i have dirted my tank, I strongly recommend it! :good:
I'd strongly recommend dosing say not to dose ferts in a high tech tank with that light and pressurised c02 is just ludicrous. You need to think about dosing daily with the above so the plants don't miss out on what they need.
I'd strongly recommend dosing say not to dose ferts in a high tech tank with that light and pressurised c02 is just ludicrous. You need to think about dosing daily with the above so the plants don't miss out on what they need.

Hi Ian

I will be dosing ferts, was just going to do it weekly as stated in my 1st post. However now will be dosing daily :good:
Ian, Would you sill Dose Ferts Daily with a Soil Substrate?

Because Ian doesn't come on often, yes, dose daily with the soil. :)
I actually keep a dirt tank and the answer to dosing is nope, dosing with soil is pretty much a waste of money Since the plants will take in ferts from the nutrient rich soil. I recognize that there are different approaches and your tank is your own but I dirted my tank in February last year so I'm fast approaching two years of a dirted tank...

In that time I haven't dosed anything. My tank has incredible growth with soil and soil alone. Personally I'd say try it without and see what the results are and say after two months you feel it needs liquid ferts then go ahead. I hear seachem is the most popular brand...

My tank after 21 months with no ferts is the tank in my sig.
Using CO2 you should dose ferts, trust me, esp with the plants your going for. Think about this way to convince yourself, does Amano use nutrient rich substrate? Yes. Does he dose CO2? Yes. Does he dose ferts? Yes. Does he have amazing tanks? Yes. :)
Don't some plants take there nutrients from the water collum and others via routes?

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