Ben's Tank

ok heres a couple of phone pics. will get better ones. There are some nie caves in the rock and there seems more flow around them than before. Still really like the right hand formation from before though :unsure:



Looking down overhang on RHS

LHS cave

Now what you reckon? should i stay or go back to before. More coral room on this scape i think. But old was a bit different and interesting!

dont forget to look at my water stats aswel if you have a min please!
cheers, thanks for looking!
Small update

been testing the water every other day so its results time again

ammonia is <0.01
Nitrate is 10
Nitrite is 0
seems to be moving in the right direction doesnt it?

may aswel use this thread as my journal thing now. So if your reading ski and you fancy re-naming it or moving it then feel free :)
purple fire fish or perc clown.

Full fish list is going to be a long the lines of

2x perc clown
purple fire fish
some sort of goby - maybe a yellow nose

then maybe if things go well and maybe just one of these
yellow clown goby
bangai cardinal

what you think? tank is 120l (36"Lx15"Wx14"H) with a 60l sump
Sounds ok to me (but im really no expect on marine stocking to be honest so wait on someone else to confirm). Would put the firefish in before the clowns.

Love the 'scape as well, looks really good :good:
Sounds ok to me (but im really no expect on marine stocking to be honest so wait on someone else to confirm). Would put the firefish in before the clowns.

Love the 'scape as well, looks really good :good:

cheers mate.
only even considering the clown as a first fish, as the bloke i got the rock off wants rid of it as hes been offered a proven pair. He wants next to nothing for it and its a great looking little fish, so i thought id do him a favour and snap it up.

how long would i have to wait between fish if the PFF went in first?
You could add the carpenter's flasher wrasse to that list and still be OK :)
Yeah, you have some decent swimming room there and the sump, so you could probably get away with 5-6 fish. Aggression might be a bit troublesome, but you never know
Sounds ok to me (but im really no expect on marine stocking to be honest so wait on someone else to confirm). Would put the firefish in before the clowns.

Love the 'scape as well, looks really good :good:

cheers mate.
only even considering the clown as a first fish, as the bloke i got the rock off wants rid of it as hes been offered a proven pair. He wants next to nothing for it and its a great looking little fish, so i thought id do him a favour and snap it up.

how long would i have to wait between fish if the PFF went in first?

I put my firefish in after my clown and though the clown was a bit of a bully to him at times he still did ok. Generally its better to do it the other way but you would most likely be ok to put the clowns in first. Maybe if you find the clowns have a spot where they host when you add the firefish move whatever it is their hosting to break up their territory again (I have no idea if this will actually work with clowns. I have used it with aggressive FW fish in the past and moving the scape around in the tank a bit helped there).
Nice one cheers ski.

hoping next week sometime ill have good enough stats for CUC

I put my firefish in after my clown and though the clown was a bit of a bully to him at times he still did ok. Generally its better to do it the other way but you would most likely be ok to put the clowns in first. Maybe if you find the clowns have a spot where they host when you add the firefish move whatever it is their hosting to break up their territory again (I have no idea if this will actually work with clowns. I have used it with aggressive FW fish in the past and moving the scape around in the tank a bit helped there).

thanks ill bear that one in mind!

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