Ben's Tank

Woke up this mornin and...Gutted! Cleaner shrimp laid on its back not moving in the front of the tank.

Untill i realise its molted on day one and its walking around behind the rock! :D He had me worried for a minute!
Must mean hes quite happy with his new home
Woke up this mornin and...Gutted! Cleaner shrimp laid on its back not moving in the front of the tank.

Untill i realise its molted on day one and its walking around behind the rock! :D He had me worried for a minute!
Must mean hes quite happy with his new home

LOL I think everyone had the same thing happen to them as well :)
added another much smaller perc today to make a pair. They spotted each other straight away and seem to be gettng on pretty well now too. Still cant get a pic!
Got a small Zoo frag and put it in yesturday. It was open and looking nice and colourful yesturday within the hour. Today it will hardly open at all? any ideas?
Losy my first fish two days ago...
my little male clown. He had grown a fair bit in the time i had him. He would eat everything thrown his way. I checked on the tank at about 1 am on my way to bed and all was ok. The two clowns were swimming in their sleeping spot. Then i woke up to find one of the larger shells in my tank ontop of the little clown :(
So i dont know whats happend. it was a bit unlucky if it fell on him. He seemed perfectly healthy. Water stats are all ok. The coral i thought was a gonner looks healthier everyday. All the other tank mates look fine.
Mrs clown looks gutted. Shes just swimming in the corner not doing much. Shes still eating and looks healthy though.
Sorry to hear that man, I've only had one clown that I've been able to keep alive, the rest have perished for some unknown reason.
New additions today :)
A new clown. Hope its ok with my other one.
A bi-colour blenny...these guys are so funny to watch. Will try for pics when they are in
Here they are. Apologies for the quality (phone pics)




il get one soon mr shark

strange observation today. The blenny has eyelids and blinks. Hes so funny to watch
Hey guys, Long time no-update. Im sorry just nothing much happened for a while. I was just plodding along with my waterchanges etc. Today i had a day off :good: so it was tank day.

Things i did:
  • Upgraded Skimmer :)
  • Had a move around (yes i know...again, this ones the last...i hope)
  • Made a better return pump outlet (which i going to be more perminant than having a green hose taped to the side :lol: )

Plans for the next few weeks or so:

  • Get a 12" light to go over my sump. Get some algae and wack some sand in there too
  • Upgrade the powerhead on the left (that thing is fat and ugly) want somthing as small as possible
  • Get my stupid Zoo frag to open up and stop sulking. Both my lfs and i have tested the water and its fine.
  • I then want to start adding a few small corals, once the zoo is happy
  • New fish.
  • Fatten my male clown up. Hes not been fussed the last few days. The big one eats like a fat kid on cake, but the small one only nibbles the odd bit. I give them live bine shrimp, a bit of fake, some frozen cube mixture things.

Heres some pics :hyper:


LHS with the soon to be retired PH

My shrimps usual chill out spot

Big clown being nosey. my blenny behind him - i would recomend those guys to anyone with a small tank. I can watch him for ages, so funny.

Heres the clowns. Notice the skinny little one

The mardy Zoo - any ideas please guys?


Thats all for now. Sorry bout the crappy pics, taken on my phone. Please try help with the clown and Zoo if you can.
Cheers Ben

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