Ben's Tank

Dont tell anyone I said this...but I'd probably go ahead and start adding cuc slowly. Not that you have to, or even should...just saying...I would. Nassarius have always done well in my cycling tanks. As well as blue legged hermits. But yeah, taking your time is always best. I also agree about the clowns being a little aggressive but you should be fine. With two of them they'll probably focus on each other more than the other fish. My current perc bullies my foxface lo...who is at least 5 or 6 times his size, and packing nasty venomous a firefish may catch a little flak...we'll see. I'm actually wanting to add a firefish to my tank sometime in the near future if I can ever find someone to buy my foxface.
Dont tell anyone I said this...but I'd probably go ahead and start adding cuc slowly. Not that you have to, or even should...just saying...I would. Nassarius have always done well in my cycling tanks. As well as blue legged hermits. But yeah, taking your time is always best. I also agree about the clowns being a little aggressive but you should be fine. With two of them they'll probably focus on each other more than the other fish. My current perc bullies my foxface lo...who is at least 5 or 6 times his size, and packing nasty venomous a firefish may catch a little flak...we'll see. I'm actually wanting to add a firefish to my tank sometime in the near future if I can ever find someone to buy my foxface.

Thanks a lot mate.

Woken up this morning to some algae on the rocks and glass so i wouldnt be surprised if its near enough cycled by tomorrow. Stats have been improving quite rapidly the last few days
Took your advice chris and added 4 snails and 4 hermits yesturday. 24 hours later and they are all still alive and kicking :) All the snails are stuck at strange angles around the rock and como really well, quite hard to see them. The crabs are feasting away on some brown algae apart from the biggest one whos decided he liked the look of a big shell my GF put in there. He looks cool but i am worried its too heavy from him. Hes still moving in the shell but not walked anywhere since i noticed he was in there. Any ideas? He spent all yesturday on a rock climbing mission so maybe hes haveing a rest?
So here he is sporting his new shell


He has had a little wander in it now. Still not sure if its too heavy for him. Hes eaten all the brown stuff off that bit, of what i think is dead coral. He just isnt climbing as much today. Ordered 50odd shells from ebay in different sizes to give him and the others more options. He would change if its too heavy right?
Yeah, if he didnt like it he would change. Also, those little guys are hella strong, he's probably just chilling for now. I have a red hermit who stay in the same place ALWAYS. sometimes I see him moving around but 90% of the time he's just sitting in his little cave.
Pretty sure hes happy now cheers! He does manage to climb in it and hes back to scoffing down some brown stuff. All the other snails and crabs are clearing the rocks with great speed. Glad i got them now two days later and they all seem happy enough and it gives me more than justrock to look at!
It's coming along great and looking well. Can't wait to see some more pics as you progress.
Ben, I reckon your gonna need some more CUC first. Youll need something for detrius
Nass and Cerith snail.
More astrea/turbo and some more crabs.
Dont forget the spare shells for the crabs.
Just something to think about as I dont think your present crew numbers will be able to keep up.
nah i dont think i have enough either big c. I just thought i would add them slowly. i want probably another 10 snails and some more crabs!...really want a new camera aswel :)
Didnt want to risk the whole CUC in one go just incase somthing wasnt right

Water tested today

ammonia free & total = 0
Nitrate = <1
Nitrite = 0
looks like nearly fish time to me :)

It's coming along great and looking well. Can't wait to see some more pics as you progress.

cheers, there will be more pics soon as im planning a few frags and a fish in the next few days
No problemo Ben,
Just as your aware of the situation.
Following the thread, lookin good
Get the new snapper out of the box and lets see some piccies.
Nah mate, was saying i wanted a new camera. Fed up of phone pics.

If you ever need to frag your corals bigC id be up for buying a few!
If you ever need to frag your corals bigC id be up for buying a few!
There will come a time Ben, I'll keep you in mind.
Added a small perc clown a couple of hours ago. hes and active little thing. Hes just swimming along the glass in the currents. He had a half hearted attempt at eating a few flakes earlier. Hoping he settles in ok soon. Hes getting a mate as soon as i can arrange to go collect it.

Hes too quick to get a pic of at the minute. Wont stay still at all. Will keep trying!

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