Ben's 400l Wet Thing

Lookin great ben. Nice healthy elegance you have there. Mine would probably also swallow yours. Maybe it's time for pics :shifty:
has your friend joined here, ben? i see a member called aaron87 :shifty:

Im not sure mtae, quite possibly him. Il ask later

hi ben

you got any plans on what fish you will be adding next

regards scott

Hi scott, im not sure yet. Havent thought too much about it. Wont go too crazy as i want SPS corals. Bit worried about my monti at the min too

Lookin great ben. Nice healthy elegance you have there. Mine would probably also swallow yours. Maybe it's time for pics :shifty:
Thx Ski, its a nice little coral, but about a week after i got it another one came inot the shop about the size of BigC's :(
And yes! pics please :good:
Calcium reactor came today. Went out and got a co2 kit thing for it and some media. Well chuffed with it :good:
Let me know when you get yer head around the Calcium Reactor.
They are ment to have a simple concept, but be rather fidely to set-up... I have no direct experience of them, but have enough "theoretical knowlage" through reading to be able to know how they work and how to tweak...

All the best
Heh, yeah amen to that rabbut. the theory is simple, executing it is otherwise. From everything I know, the trickiest parts are getting the flowrate of water through the reactor correct, and getting the CO2 bubble count right. Especially cause regulating gas flow that slowly is very difficult

My powder blue seems to have recovered. No real marks on him. Fed the fish loads over the past few days and that seemed to sort it.

My mate took his corals home a while back, so yesturday i decided to re-scape the areas that seemed to be missing something, Came up with this -


no huge difference from before, i qiute like it :)

found this too :lol: as you can see, we had just begun to chisel the door frame away. An hour later there was nothing left
You'll have to excuse the rough, stressed look tho :p
Fantastic news about the powder blue - nice to know there was such a simple solution :good:

I like the tweaking, still got that huge cave area that I really like.

Semms to have some really good areas for coral attachment like that too.

I love that picture, if you were not P****d off I would have worried more about that. That feeling at the time must have been gutting.
thanks tina, yeah theres loads of room on top, im looking forward do putting 4 or 5 frags on there and just letting them grow.
Excellent news about the pb :good:

omg a calcium reactor - lordy, how the heck do they work?

I love the aquascape, you really are a natural at it aren't you - or does it take hours?

A picture is worth a thousand words :crazy: and this one sure tells a story, thankfully one with a happy ending

Seffie x


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