Ben's 400l Wet Thing

Thanks seffie, i wouldnt go that far :p

I really enjoy scaping though, its one of the best bits for me. I think if i ever get another tank i will do the scape entirely from reef bones. This way i will be able to make exactly what i want.
Awesome really like it :drool:

Silly question alert :blush:

Is reef bone dead LR, would you need an external filter if using just reef bone?

What makes it better.

I'm interest because I will be needing ideas soon :hey:
Yeah its dead, dried out old LR.
You can buy cured stuff. Most people just buy reef bones and then soak it in RO for a few weeks. Then you can milliput, cable tie and acrylic rod all the rocks to each other to create the scape dry and not have to worry about your expensive LR drying out.

I would always use a fair few kilos of LR in the sump and probably a few bits in the main tank once it was all scaped. Only problems are it takes ages for the reef bones to seed and become live rock so you have to start to stock fish really slowly. If people rush then they end up with bad algae blooms
Ohhh I go out to bloody Hydrotherapy and miss all these fantastic pictures and videos. Although they did not actually do it how you wanted them to for the camera, thats still stunning pictures and he seems to have fit right in.

Tank does look amazing, is it me or have you had a little fiddle with a few of the rocks, stunning whatever.

If you need a third for POTM you got it from me. Despite being unsure whether fish pictures can be considered. They should be.

Looking great :good:
Fantastic, its looking great Ben, You have some of my Favourite fish in there but i do have a couple of questions, you have a powder blue tang :drool: but you also have a yellow tang, i did not think you could mix them, how have you managed that?, same goes with your black clown and commen clown, amazing.

Looks great Ben and love the PBT :drool:

Victor-common and black clowns can easily be mixed....well most of the time easily if it's done before they are already 2 females.
Hi victor.

I found my black clown settled with my orange one a lot quicker than the other orange ones i tried. It was almost instant really, never noticed any trouble what so ever. They will have interesting looking babies if they ever spawn though.

Powder blues and yellows can mix. PBT have a reputation for being a bit stroppy though. My LFS had him in for a while, id been watching him as they are one of my favoriate fish. It always seemed fine with its tank mates in the fish shop...i cant resist temptation either. So far so good. If he become aggressive il re-home him. He seems one of the more socialble fish ive had so far though. Likes to swim with the yellow and myy female clown. He comes to the glass and greets you when entering the room too.

Thanks for the comments aswel VM and KJ :)
its looking awesome. love pb tangs!

all you need now is a lovely yellow eye kole tang :)
Wow, goin for the PBT huh Ben? Good luck man, they're tough fish to keep. Got an autofeeder going?
im looking round for one now mate, ive got a constant supply of food going in at the minute. Loads of dried nori aswel
oh yeah, ive alos bout a calcium reactor too



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