Beginnings Of A Jungle


Fish Crazy
Sep 4, 2011
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Hey guys, a few months ago I had a bit of a disaster in my tank and wiped out all my livestock so after a little while of considering cutting my losses and closing the tank I thought better of it and started again.
Tank details are:
Juwel Rio125
2x 28W T5 light tubes
Tetratec EX1200
Mixed fine black gravel with cat litter base
Redmoor wood
Mini Landscape rock
Bin bag background
Bit of a mixture here, just picked out what takes my fancy going on leaf shape and colours etc
Mixture of Crypto Wendtii green/brown/tropica
Crypto Parva
Anubias Barteri Var Nana
Narrow leaf Java Fern
Pogostemen Helferi
Red Tiger Lotus
Echinodorus Ozelot
Aponogeton Crispus
Hygro Pinnatifida
Fissidens Fontanus (on its way!!)
4 Eliotti (thanks DrRob!)
18 Penguin Tetra
2 BN Plecos
4 Bronze Cories
1 Oto (others died in the catastrophe
1 White cloud minnow (Saved him from another tank)
Please excuse the BBA outbreak currently started dosing EasyCarbo a week ago and it is dieing off! Also the dirty equipment, been massivley busy with work and not had time to do my routine maintainence for a while






Plants are all still very young so looking forward to it all growing in nice and dense! Any suggestions or citique is welcomed.
Considering placement for my Fissidens when I get some too, never thought picking a branch to stick some moss on could be so difficult!
Thanks for looking

Looks very nice bud. U keep talking of a disaster what happen?? Cant wait till it all grows in will look stunning.
Thanks very much
I had a huge bacterial bloom and lost a lot of my stock, never happened before in the 5 years I've kept fish so keeping an extra eye on all my water parameters from now on.
Awww sorry to hear that mate. U definitely made the right choice in starting again instead of closing the tank :)
Looks really nice!
Love the penguin tetras!
You definitely need to either get some more otos and WCMM or rehome them. Also the corys would be happier with a group of 6+.
Will look good when the fissidens arrive! 
Thanks very much, the penguins do look great in a large shoal.

I did have much bigger numbers but they unfortunately all got wiped out. I had a breeding group of 10 cories at one point and sold on all the young just before it happened!

Thanks very much guys, ordered some easylife profito to go with the easycarbo today so should start seeing some good growth in the next few weeks with a bit of luck!
+1 on upping the upping the numbers of ottos and cories
I really like the way this looks!! If I may make one suggestion... I would move the crispus to group right behind the middle of that piece of wood,  that will really ground the wood, as will the moss when you get it!!
Numbers can be upped but they may be moved on anyway as the ellioti get bigger to save bullying.

Good idea with the crispus but I have a small tiger lotus in that exact position to try and grow up through the wood. Was thinking they both get quite large do didn't want them to mix and muddle up too much lol

This tank looks really nice.
+1 For extra ottos and keeping corys in groups 6+.
Thanks guys! As said I did have around 15 cories and 5 ottos but lost a lot of stock, the new fish probably wont be so tolerant as my old ones (Apistos/rams) so rather than buy a load more I'll probably be looking to move them on.
Looking to try some floating plants again, never had any success at all even managed to kill duckweed somehow but really want to try Red Root Floaters... anyone had any luck with these and know what sort of requirements they need?
Finally got some fissidens through today so decided to get it in the tank. Thing is I didn't really fancy draining the tank at this time so I could attach it to my wood. So I had a think and came up with the idea of glueing the moss to a thin strip of clear plastic and then tying that to the wood.

Not the prettiest of solutions but by far the easiest, cleanest and quickest. Also if it doesn't grow or I decide to change my mind, just got to untie it and off it comes! Once it grows in a little it should cover the plastic over anyways.

That's all for now!

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