Fish Aficionado
Thanks seffie 
I used rods for the central section but also put putty between the rocks as well. Using the rods does work but it isnt easy to line the rocks up together. If I was going to do it again I would use thicker rods (mine are about 1cm diameter) as then I could just drill the one hole rather then having to drill several and try to line them up (the 1cm acrylic rod is very flexible and I didn't trust it not to break using only 1 bit).
The whole idea was to leave a lot of swimming space, have plenty of separate levels for coral placement AND keep the rock structure as open as I could (you wouldn't believe the amount of crud under the rock when I took it all out of the tank). It didn't come out quite how I pictured it in my head but I'm pretty happy with it.
Photos dont show it that well. The right hand side looks like a pile of rock but there is actually a lot of space behind the rockwork. I probably removes about 20kg of rock in total (which is handy as I'm setting up the cube tank for the seahorses now and this should be just about the right amount of rock
). I'am thinking of building up a little bit on the back right hand corner and having an arch coming down towards the middle but not decided yet.
Oh yeah I forgot to say the rock at the front on the bottom left of the tank with the xenia on will not be staying in there. Neither will the top rock on the left with the xenia. These will go into the seahorse tank where I wont have to worry about them spreading and killing off other corals but there will be NO xenia in the main display tank anymore (I got sick of cutting it back and having to try to remove it from awkward places).
I used rods for the central section but also put putty between the rocks as well. Using the rods does work but it isnt easy to line the rocks up together. If I was going to do it again I would use thicker rods (mine are about 1cm diameter) as then I could just drill the one hole rather then having to drill several and try to line them up (the 1cm acrylic rod is very flexible and I didn't trust it not to break using only 1 bit).
The whole idea was to leave a lot of swimming space, have plenty of separate levels for coral placement AND keep the rock structure as open as I could (you wouldn't believe the amount of crud under the rock when I took it all out of the tank). It didn't come out quite how I pictured it in my head but I'm pretty happy with it.
Photos dont show it that well. The right hand side looks like a pile of rock but there is actually a lot of space behind the rockwork. I probably removes about 20kg of rock in total (which is handy as I'm setting up the cube tank for the seahorses now and this should be just about the right amount of rock
Oh yeah I forgot to say the rock at the front on the bottom left of the tank with the xenia on will not be staying in there. Neither will the top rock on the left with the xenia. These will go into the seahorse tank where I wont have to worry about them spreading and killing off other corals but there will be NO xenia in the main display tank anymore (I got sick of cutting it back and having to try to remove it from awkward places).