I know I haven't updated for awhile. Mainly because there hasn't been much to update.
We have had some issues recently which kind of made me reconsider if I wanted to keep the marine tanks going. Basically all but two of our chromis are gone. We noticed there where two missing about a month ago, they where there one day, no marks, feeding well then the next day just gone. Done water tests and everything was showing up as fine (higher nitrates then I would like but wouldn't be a problem for the fish). Over the next month the same happened with the rest.
I'm suspecting now that it may be because we have reduced the feeding in the tank to help keep the phosphates/nitrates down. Having read up a lot about them I have read in more than one place that if they are not getting enough food they will start to pick each other off, starting with the smallest (which is what happened).
We also lost both our skunk and fire shrimp

not sure what happened to them and when combined with the above I was wondering if something had got into the tank (though all the corals and other fish are looking fine, my bubble coral has never looked as good as it does not). Still trying to figure out why, I have been trying to fidn out what the lifespan is on both of these. The fireshrimp I got when I first got into marine which was over 2 years ago (closer to 3) and it was fully grown when I got it. The Skunk I got about 2 years ago and again it was fully grown.
So basically it was all a bit crap, made worse by the fact that there was no obvious problem and that I have wanted to strip down the tank and redo it properly since it was setup. I did consider just selling up and forgetting it but managed to move past it and now I have found some spare cash I can move forward with doing this tank the way I originally intended (it was a rush job before as we where moving house at the time too and it had to be done quick).
Anyway I have now sourced a 50g bowfront tank which I should be picking up within the next week. This will be the temporary home for everything in the 100g while I strip it down, redo the sump plumbing and rescape the rockwork. The 50g will eventually be setup as a hi-tech planted tank as I kind of miss my old one.
I need to get some good bits of plating LR from somewhere (god knows where, nobody seems to have had any for months!)
I'm considering change the lights from T5 to MH or LED's but not made my mind up yet. Might stick to the T5 as they work for what I have and though the tubes cost a load of money in the short term it will give me more money for other equipment and stocking.
I'm also going to get hold of the biggest skimmer I can afford as I feel this is one of the main reasons for our continual phosphate issues.
Anyway that's the plan. All being well we will see a completely remodeled tank within the next two months.
I have no idea what the hell we are going to do when it comes to restocking. We now only have 1 lfs that has marines within a 80 mile radius so might have to wait till spring and get it all online.