Well house move is (almost) complete. Moved the 5ft'er which was a complete nightmare the day went something like:
Move VERY heavy 4ft tank to new house
Move about 50g of water to new house from 5ft tank and put into 4ft tank.
Move rock (around 15KG at a time) from 5ft to 4ft.
Move half the equipment and set up on 4ft
Move Corals
Move fish and another 30g of water
Move rest of equipment
Make sure 4ft is running ok.
Empty the 5ft and sump and move that to new house.
So about 20 car trips, a couple of van trips and one bad bristle worm sting (bad enough that my hand is still swollen 4 days later)its all done.
Sad to say that we lost out exquisite wrasse as well

A few days before the move she just disappeared. she had been ok before (eating swimming around) but had only just recovered from pop eye in one eye and a few days before she had managed to get through the weir and into the sump. We had assumed that she had just had to much stress in a short period of time. However when we moved the 5ft we found her down the side. Somehow she had managed to jump out of the tank, through eggcrate and land in a spot where we couldnt see her

Only thing I can think of is that there is a tiny little gap cut into the eggcrate where the return pipe from the sump goes through and she must have jumped through there. If that or she got into the sump again, jumped out of there and then flapped all the way around to the side of the tank without our cat noticing it?!?!
It also looks like we may lose our bubble coral as well. Even though it was still half detached after our clown fish ripped it to bits it had been doing really well. After moving it though it really doesn't look good at all.
I also managed to snap 2 more shafts for our korillia 4's. I hate these bloody powerheads now. They do a great job but it seems the impeller shafts just spontaneously explode every time you so much as take the front part of the powerhead off.
Anyway, the plan now is to finish unpacking the house then to start work on the 5ft. I want to:
Build a new hood to house X6 T5 tubes (with TC-12 controlled cooling fans)
Build a new sump with algae scrubber and make it easier to work on.
Repaint all the trim.
Possibly get a new cabinet (our is looking a bit worse for wear now and I dont want 1ton of salt water on a damaged cabinet).
Move everything back into the 5fter.
Everything will probably stay in the 4ft tank for at least a couple of months while we finish moving in and I get enough cash to buy a few bits and bobs for the 5ft tank.