Badger's 150g Rio Negro/Orinoco Flooded Rain Forest

Snapped a photo mid-water change. All is looking good. I'm going to have to remove a couple of those red lilies in the middle--they have gotten HUGE over the past couple months. And maybe thin out the swords too. The angels are acting a bit cramped. Nice problems to have.
Beautiful! The plants are loving it and the angels are huge. The office and patients must love watching the tank.
So, I had one sterbai Cory who as been by himself since his buddies died in the Great Ich Battle, back in March of 23. I kept expecting this guy to die too, but he soldiers on, all by himself.

So in this last order I got him ten buddies. Today, when I went over to do a water change, all the little sterbas were packed together in a school, patrolling the tank. And right in the middle of them was one sterba that is twice as big as all the others. It made me happy. 😊
Fantastic tank, and great to hear about the sterbai's new buddies :D one of the best things to see is a lone fish first meeting more buddies, it warms the heart for anyone
Are your angels domestic or native to the rio negro orinoco blooded rain forest ?
I don't remember the last time I had a fish with that ailment, oh wait I do it was my big female golden dojo loach in my 75 gallon. She was the only one in the tank who had that problem so I'm not sure if it's contagious, I did wind up euthanizing her due to quality of life.
Well, as mentioned in another thread, my biggest angel died about a week ago, probably from hihd. No sign of anything wrong with the others
I treat pet store angels or any whose tank of origin were not treated with metronidazole as part of quarantine, then my parent fish are clean and I don't have to treat babies.

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