Badger's 150g Rio Negro/Orinoco Flooded Rain Forest

Sir Reginald seems to be growing side burns. Is this normal?
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Sir Reginald is indeed a sir it seems. How long have these guys been in? Soon enough they'll all be sexually mature and then you'll get some baby whiptails! I'm excited to see those.
I got him in July of 22. I believe the others are from October of 23.
You have breeding Pseudohemiodon Apithanos??? How long did it take?
Not intentionally as the 4 i have are in a 500; not long maybe 2 or 3 months after i purchsed them. Btw they are Pseudohemiodon SP apithanos as Pesudohemiodon Apithanos are a different species. Given how easy it was for them to spawn is hould probably get a few for a dedicated 65 - i think very clean soft water with good soft substrate played a role.

We should probably have a moderator move this off shoot from Badgers thread.

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