Backtotropical's Main Tank

i can't believe i haven't seen this topic before now. Tank is looking great, sorry to hear about the mollies, lovely pleco :good:
Right thats it. I am coming to yours to steal some of your plants and bogwood.

Wont take me 5 mins to get to yours lol

Totally stunning.

Where you get plants? Aq Rooms?


Hi Zoe, Bogwood is from Aq Rooms. Plants from Aq Rooms are rubbish. They sold me non-aquatic plants. I only found out after posting pics on here. I use this shop for my plants. Its a great little shop. I only discovered it a few weeks ago. Their plants are from Tropica, leaders in the aquatic plant field. Plants are 100x better than Aq Rooms. Might be able to donate an amazon sword your way in a few weeks once they get a bit bigger. (I'm having babies) LOL. :good:
Tank is a litte...boring -_- ...Sorry im a photographer and liking standards are high >.<

Some suggestion to spice up the tank?

Get rid of the blue background, get one of those with the natural scenery
Get some fake plants...or real if you can find large enough ones. Get Tall ones and place the in the BACK try to cover that heater. Place plants together to give it a more natural look.

Here is my Tank.

Not trying to offend you. That tank would just look AMAZING if u spiced it up :good: :good:

Those natural scenery backgrounds are god awful. Plastic plants can damage fishes scales and fins, and IMO all he needs are some more aquatic plants.


Just to let you know mollies do better in brackish. I'm told they can live a full life in fresh, but they thrive in brackish. What are you going to stock with then?

I think the bog wood may help a little over time. Why don't you try a Co2 system? It should help to bring the Ph down, and will benefit you with less algae, and better plants. You could also try filtering the water through peat moss, it can naturally bring the Ph down. If all else fails consider getting an RO/De-ionizing filter, and start mixing some of that water in with normal de chlorinated water. :good:

I agree, the tank is too "fake" looking and colourful...looks like a child's aquascape...

anyways, back to the main topic...your tank is looking better and better with each picture! looks more like a tropical tank now, you should get some plants for ground cover now
I agree, the tank is too "fake" looking and colourful...looks like a child's aquascape...

anyways, back to the main topic...your tank is looking better and better with each picture! looks more like a tropical tank now, you should get some plants for ground cover now

Thanks Pyroo, your comments are welcomed. I much prefer the natural look for an aquarium. :good:
Hi backtotropical, Yeah I have just been really busy lately, only come on here at lunchtime at work lol. good to see everyone loves your tank, it shows you are on the right lines.
Hi backtotropical, Yeah I have just been really busy lately, only come on here at lunchtime at work lol. good to see everyone loves your tank, it shows you are on the right lines.

Cheers Fella :good:
Plants are coming on a treat. Growing out of the tank. More pics soon. :good:
Another update. I have bought more plants and done a bit of aquascaping. Starting to look quite heavily planted now.

It's a jungle in there. LOL. :lol:

A couple of full tank shots



Right side of tank


Middle of tank


Echinodorus baby plant recently planted


Aponogeton Boivinianus (new, only aponogeton from Africa i believe???)


Aponogeton Crispus (outgrowing the tank now)



Echinodorus "Red Special" (New and already flowering)


Anubia Barteri


Juvenile Echinodorus (Still attached to mother)


Male Molly


Peppered Corydoras


Lagenandra Twaithesi


Crinum Natans


Hygrophila Salicifolia


Cryptocoryne Undulatus


Bacopa Caroliniana


Unsure what this plant is. ID appreciated.


Blue Gourami


Hydrocotyle Leucocephala


Final Full Tank Shot


Still battling to get rid of the tannins in the water by doing lots of water changes. Getting there slowly. :good:
Nice one backtotropical :good:

The tanks looking really good!! All those 4 in the morning stints have really paid off!! See i told you i'd have a sneaky peak. A day late i admit, but better late than never!!

You were right about the wee snails. They are breading like wildfire. Pulled 15 out then about 10 mins later there were another 15 on the glass :hyper:

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