Backtotropical's Main Tank

Tank is a litte...boring -_- ...Sorry im a photographer and liking standards are high >.<Some suggestion to spice up the tank?Get rid of the blue background, get one of those with the natural sceneryGet some fake plants...or real if you can find large enough ones. Get Tall ones and place the in the BACK try to cover that heater. Place plants together to give it a more natural look.Here is my Tank.
Not trying to offend you. That tank would just look AMAZING if u spiced it up :good: :good:

Thanks for your constructive critisism Amina.

I dont like the natural scenery 'stick on' backgrounds or fake plants. I think they look really tacky.

As for the plants, there are more on the way. My standards are high also.

i think bactotropical tank is great. besides i am quite sure bactotropical hasn't finished there. a work in progress. :good:

Cheers Darrene, much obliged. :good:
Those natural scenery backgrounds are god awful. Plastic plants can damage fishes scales and fins, and IMO all he needs are some more aquatic plants.Backtotropical,Just to let you know mollies do better in brackish. I'm told they can live a full life in fresh, but they thrive in brackish. What are you going to stock with then?I think the bog wood may help a little over time. Why don't you try a Co2 system? It should help to bring the Ph down, and will benefit you with less algae, and better plants. You could also try filtering the water through peat moss, it can naturally bring the Ph down. If all else fails consider getting an RO/De-ionizing filter, and start mixing some of that water in with normal de chlorinated water. :good:

Hi DiscusLova,Thanks as always for your comments.

I think i am going to leave my tank as freshwater. My other fish are not from brackish water, and as mollies can be happy in FW, i think that is easiest for me and the fish. Don't know if anymore fish will be added, i am a little over-stocked already. My fluval canister can more than cope with it, but i want to try to be good. I want a pleco to finish it off, but that may be it, not sure yet.

I'll stick with the bogwood but i keep doing water changes to remove the discolouration (if thats a word) from the water. This may be a contributing factor to why the PH isn't budging. I'll wait and see. I have an RO unit but i don't want to use it. My water is pretty hard at the moment and as such will stop any PH swings, so i will leave as is i think. The PH being 8 hasn't stopped the mollies breeding anyway. LOL.

I am planning more plants so may try CO2 in future, but have never had any experience of it. My plants have always just grown, never had any problems. :good:

nice tank :good:

Cheers :good:
(2 still-born :sad: and 2 alive and swimming :good: so far)

I came in last night to find one of my new mollies dropping fry. I put her in a breeding trap so the babies wouldn't get eaten. Unfortunately, i think she had dropped most of them when i was out and they had been eaten already. I have ended up with 3 molly babies. ;) I'm feeding them crushed Tetra Prima.

I also seen the male fertilise all 3 females shortly afterwards. More fry to come!

Unfortunately, the stress of birthing has caused fin fungus on mummy-molly :sad: , so the tank has been treated with protozin tonight.

'Non-aquatic plants' are now totally gone. They started to go brown and went straight in the bin.
Congrats on the baby Mollies. I hope mum feels better soon.

Good on you for putting up with all the nit picking on this thread. I guess they would call it constructive criticism. Still, I won't be posting any pics of my tank.
8.0! That it high! I doubt those neons will like it that high! The Ph inside the tank is most likely going to be at least 8.5, and although adaptable, neons will prefer a lower Ph (7.5-6.0ish)! I recommend taking that rock out asap. Besides, it doesn't suite the tanks atmosphere anyways

Neons will live in high ph its just they won't breed in it.
Ive had mone for nearly a year in a ph of 8.5 and are still ok.
nice tank :)
you could try making a little slate cave, if your creative :) and glue it together using non-toxic sealant.

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