Baby Panda(S?)

Can't you just see 8 or 9 of the little buggers in this tank? Sigh.
This Old Spouse said:
Want. Some. Pandas.
frapadoodle said:
Haha! The silly thing is that before I found the first baby, I was on the verge of taking them to the LFS as I wanted to refine my stocking!
I still would consider them going to a good home if anyone here wanted to collect? I'm guessing the UK is probably a bit too far for you two though...!
Just a little out of the neighborhood.

Spouse, I have to agree a shoal of Pandas would look great in that tank.
middle baby is starting to hang out with the adults now

and with big baby on the left, middle baby on the right

Little baby still prefers the flowerpot...
They are doing great!  I agree with greenmumma -- big baby does have a very nice dorsal fin.
Looks a lot like one of mine.   Congrats.
I don't know how to stop the breeding... My shoal of 3 has grown to about a dozen - not sure really what the exact number is anymore.  Hard to count them - I have lots of hiding places available, and more babies seem to show up when I think I have the number down.
Pandas are easily my favorite cory.
I'm considering actually breeding them in earnest, just to see how successful I would be at it.  Currently though, my Biotype tank has all of my attention.  Can't figure that one out just yet.
I agree.  Eagle if you get overrun -- I am definitely interested in some more to "beef" up my current shoal of pandas.  :D  
I love the updated pics of the baby pandas in this thread.  Keep them coming.  :D
Wildbetta said:
I love the updated pics of the baby pandas in this thread.  Keep them coming.  
You asked for it...
middle baby and little baby

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