Baby Panda(S?)

Love the pics!!  It is sooo cute!
It's getting really active too - was digging ferociously in the sand for ages earlier - only stopped when I got the camera on my phone out and soon hid back under the wood! It's definitely got bigger since I first saw it, and starting to chunk out a bit.
I dreamt last night that I cleaned the tank out and that when I lifted the bogwood there was a bigger baby and 3 really tiny ones under there as well as this one. Not sure I dare look just in case!
Great pic, really shows the size difference, congratulations :)
Very cute, always nice finding babies you didn't know you had
I have another!

Sorry about awful photo, but it's so tiny I need to zoom in to see it, and then it wriggles around and becomes a blur on the photo!
I may take out the bogwood tomorrow and see exactly what's under there. Is this a good idea or is it best to leave it? The tank is getting grubby as well - am I ok to clean the glass with an algae scraper?
IMO I'd leave the bogwood for a bit since it seems the babies find it nice and comfy where it is. No reason not to use an algae scraper. Just watch out for curious little fishes!
Ok will leave it, thanks.

Little one is quite active and happily going out and about this evening


Meanwhile the original one joined the grown-ups for dinner

I agree, leave the wood where it is, there are probably more hiding under there
Yeah, I would leave the bogwood.
Agree, no reason not to clean up the algae.
Congrats on another baby! They are just the cutest aren't they?
Just saw two tinies at the same time, so I've at least 3 babies!

Um...what do I do long term? I presume they'll carry on breeding? I don't especially want to breed them, as I doubt I'll be able to bring myself to sell the babies on and would end up overrun with them?

Don't get me wrong, I'm delighted that they've successfully reproduced, but it wasn't what I intended...
The only way to prevent breeding is to have single sex groups.
I know it's hard parting with babies you've raised but a lot of Lfs will take them & you may get store credit for them
Well, no new babies that I've seen, but I still have all 3 original babies.
Big baby is now hanging out with the grown ups most of the time

Middle baby loves searching for food on the bogwood (vid)

and little baby loves the flower pot

For size comparisons, the pellets in there are hikari sinking wafers, about 5mm across.

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