Atm's 5.5 Gallon Tank (reef In Progress)

I see that my camera does not like the new lights :shifty:


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So today I went out with my aunt and picked up a peppermint shrimp, two astrea snails, two margarita snails, and a emerald crab. I've read emerald crabs don't always work out so I will keep a close watch on him. Discussed what I saw in my coral farming post. Will get some pics up maybe tomorrow if there out. :good:
That new light really makes colors pop though, good choice :D
Thanks Ski, I really like it too, would get MH but finding the right size is hard, found one or two but too expensive, parents wouldn't like it. BTW, you see the refractometer in the pic, it came in a works great, thanks.

Here's some pics of the crab and shrimp in the bag, haven't been able to get a pic of them in the tank yet but I've the snails I have very easy.


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Updated picture, thinking of buying another small powerhead to increase flow this weekend. Right now I have the maxi-jet 400 and aquaclear 20. I'm thinking of getting mostly soft corals to start maybe zoo's or star polyp, think they would like another 40-50gph?



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Nothing has really changed too much except I need to exchange some snails in. The margarita pefer cooler temps so I hope to get ceriths for them and hopefully they will clean the glass better since my snails currently are not cleaning the glass much at all. The crab rarely comes out, sometimes catch him in the morning before lights come on and that's it. Holding off on getting corals and fish since I will be moving in the near future, maybe month or two and would perfer probably to get them after the move. Once moved hope to put tank on main floor or basement to keep the temp down, in my room it gets 82 right now. HOpe to also build a canopy this summer.
Here's an updated full tank shot, sorry for the mag-float for mag-float haters, had a chance to take a quick shot

New mushrooms I got for 23$, in total 10 larger one's a several small one's along with the 2lb. piece of LR

Good news is that I might be getting a job at my lfs and I will get a 40% discout on all in stock items and they will order whatever I want too. My friend works there now and said he could get me a job if I want
What a week. lfs near me will be getting in snails in a bit, type I want. A margarita snail died. Other one is close to it, hopefully I can get it back to the Sw store and save it. Shrimp died of shell disease. My tank reached 86 one day and it's still spring :angry: So I got the OK from my parents and moved my tank downstairs, took almost two hours. Everything made it fine that was good. Looks nice, right by my computer and in the family room. Just discovered what looks like a fireworm. Thankfully everything else is fine, no tank crash, just the few deaths. My mom said she can probably take me to the SW store by me and I might be getting a clown goby :good: and returning the margarita snail and maybe some LR, the mushrooms came with a big piece of LR and I don't have that much room. Mushrooms seem to like the blue led light. I'll try to get some pics of that tonight but that's basically what happened. And I just found a feather duster tonight so that's cool, came with the mushrooms for free. :nod: Also have found a baby astrea snail is what I think it is, I think it came with the LR.

btw: anybody think a cleaner shrimp and a peppermint shrimp would be too much, somebody said they might run into each other but I seem to think it would be ok but if it's not then I won't get both.
Ok, sorry for the late thanks.

Today I picked up a green clown goby, it wasn't quarantined long but I took the risk, it was pretty healthy. It's the first I've seen them in and it was at a lfs that my friend works at and they were a good price 6.99$ for green's instead of 19.99$ for normal yellows at the sw store by me. I also picked up a red legged hermit for .99$ that I spotted in their coral tank. I have to wait until June10 before I can get anymore snails, there getting a coral/invert order in there and the lfs is cheaper for livestock than the sw store by a LOT. Hopefully they'll get some nassarius and cerith snails and skunk cleaners. though I found myself a good deal on yellow polyps, spotted two tiny clumps that fell off that would fit nicely in my tank but somebody beat me too them that same day I asked them about them. Today I landed a good deal though, my friend bought the large clump of gsp that I wanted but was too large for my tank but he said he'd frag me a small piece. He might frag some other small pieces of other corals of his own in his various large tanks once he's fragged enough for myself :hyper:

I'll try and get some pics of my new additions tomorrow after there acclimated.

Ski or anybody else, is this a ok final stocking option for my 5.5gallon reef
2xnassarius snails
2xcerith snails
2xastrea snails
1xemerald/mirthax crab
1xred leg hermit crab
1xskunk cleaner shrimp

Thanks :good:
I would hesitate on the emerald crab personally. Flip the red leg hermit for a dwarf red tip. They are less aggresive, and don't grow as big. Just make sure with any hermit you have extra shells scattered across your tank. Other then that go for it !

Need :snap: !!
I would hesitate on the emerald crab personally. Flip the red leg hermit for a dwarf red tip. They are less aggresive, and don't grow as big. Just make sure with any hermit you have extra shells scattered across your tank. Other then that go for it !

Need :snap: !!

hmm Well I've had the emerald crab for some time now and he's been minding his own buisness and working hard. I recently bought a red leg and he's been fine so far, he's spotted my astrea snails and left them alone. I need to get some shells asap for them actually. I tried moving a mushroom the other day but didn't have it ruberbanded down tight enough and it fell off and now I have lost it. Hopefully if I get a new camera I can get some closeups of them, there pretty nice.

I'm working on some pics. I'm looking at this camera for starters to take some better quality shots and closeups and maybe later upgrading to a better camera. What do you think of it, ok? :unsure:
Glad everything is getting along.
For what you want to (from what I understand) 7.0 megapixles should do it.
Glad everything is getting along.
For what you want to (from what I understand) 7.0 megapixles should do it.

Yes so far everything is doing fine, I hope it stays that way, just need to pick up a few more snails and maybe a shrimp.

Yup 4x zoom sounds pretty good to, standard seems 3x for this price range. Nice price though I might have to order it online. I'll hopefully order it on thursday or friday and then lots of pics d:D :snap: :snap: just need to check with my dad first since I don't have a credit card atm. My only worries about the camera is the durablitly.
I would hesitate on the emerald crab personally. Flip the red leg hermit for a dwarf red tip. They are less aggresive, and don't grow as big. Just make sure with any hermit you have extra shells scattered across your tank. Other then that go for it !

Need :snap: !!

If all goes well I should be getting a decent digital camera Saturdy, so hopefully pics on saturday :thumbs:

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