Well added a very thin layer of aragonite yesterday which made the water very cloudy as you can see in the picture.
Today I bought some more LR so now I have a total of almost 9lbs. in the tank, this isn't too much is it? Got the rock today from a tank with various corals on it so I might get something nice on it. Found a bristle worm today, I like it.
I think I might have an anenome or something. I've seen a small red thing 3-4cm. in diameter poking out of the LR a few days ago and last night I checked on it and it moved up to the highest rock where there was more light and today when i came home it wasn't there and I'm still looking for it. I've only seen the tentacle things on it so I don't know if it's an anemone or not or what it is. So far I haven't been able to identify it in the corals book that I just got from the library, great book though. If anybody has any ideas what this might be please tell me.
Should I try feeding it anything?
Going to add the LR soon so will update with photo from that.
Hmm. Googled it and it could be it, though I'm still trying to find it to examine it to see if it fits the description better. Do you know what brand of food I should feed it, I was at my lfs today and they had these bottles for invertebrates and some with the needle things to carefully feed them.(sorry have a memory blank) I'll look it up in the corals book in a bit too, see if I can find anything.
Front and Side of tank as of today with slightly under 9lbs of LR
Ok I don't think it's an anenome. I finally found it. It's in a crevice where there is little light. I was wrong it moved to get less light not more light. It comes out at night and hides during the day. I haven't read about anything doing this yet, any ideas , it's driving me insane I want to know what this weird thing is
It's a lighter red color. I haven't been able to see how many rings of the tentacle things (what do you call them) it has yet since it just hides in it's hole during the day and barely comes out at night. Before it was in a crevice, now it's found a hole that goes into the rock, so I can't see beyond the tentacles.
n3ont3tra hopefully will be here before wed. if I'm lucky though probably fri since it's being shipped from the west coast and I'm pretty close to the east cost.
Yes eschaton I do believe I have an outbreak of aiptasia, though injecting them with lemon juice kills them right? I'm hoping when I get a peppermint shrimp it will eat them for me.
Tested water tonight, ammonia .25, nitrite 0, nitrate 0, ph 8.2. By the tests I think the cycle just began or I just have crazy levels.
Ok only thing happened during week two is diatoms.
Will get some pics tonight maybe though I need to change the rock structure one last time and move the large piece to the bottom. First I need to do my homework first so we'l see how that goes.
Refractometer, lights, legs for lights coming in Friday 3-30.
Here we are after a last and final rock change that moved all larger pieces to the bottom and smaller pieces to the top and to allow more room for corals and such
Got the lights and refractometer yesterday. No problems. refractometer is amazing, so much better and easier to use than a hydrometer and the lights are nice. Will post pics when they come on today.