Atm's 5.5 Gallon Tank (reef In Progress)

O ok thanks, well I should get the good one's right around when I get my books.

So from what I'v been reading on refugiums you usually make three types or a combinations of both. Deep sand for de-nitrifying bacteria, LR for a place for more delicate creatures to live or one for types of micro algae or a combination of all of them. And with the smaller fuge's deep sand bed isn't good since it will take up most of the room unless you want a deep sand bed only. So I was thinking since mine is fairly small do a 1.5" sand bed along with putting whatever LR rubble I get then take out the basket, cut it and put the solid part by the impeller to keep the fuge from draining and the part with holes by the waterfall part to keep the LR from going back into the tank. Does this sound ok?

I was also thinking to get a variety of hitchhikers to get 2lbs. of three different kinds of LR each for a variety and different hitchhikers, does anybody see a flaw in this?

thanks a lot
Got four books today, will be busy reading :good:

Anybody know about the refugium?

Ok, got my SW pre-mixed and ready. Bought my aragonite sand today, not live though. Will be getting my LR tomorrow, unless something comes up. Pics to come tomorrow afternoon.

Any ideas on what to do with my HOB filter, I know put rowphos in it. Should I put some sand and LR in it also? :dunno:

Got LR, pics coming soon. Two questions....There's red things growing on some rocks what is this? and I saw a red worm thing but it didn't move what's this?

Ok gota finish :good:

O how deep should I make the sand bed, real thin? And is it ok if I put some sand and the LR that broke off in my aquaclear with my phosphate remover?

full tank

side angle

looking down a bit

Dirt that came with the LR, should I siphon it out or just put the sand in on top of it?

Any body know what the red thing's growing or the red worm is? Any info on the aquaclear or sandbed? Will try to get some pics of the red growing things. Please I don't know what to do about the sand, I'm thinking just enough to cover the bottom then make a dsb in the aquaclear for the denitrifying bacteria?
Id siphon the detritus out when you do your next water change! :) As said, 2" sand bed would be fine. :good:
2" seems a little deep, I think I like the idea of it barely being covered, considering it's a nano though now I"m thinking of keeping it bare-bottom since I've been reading that the sand can get annoying though I don't know yet :angry:

Does anybody know what those red things sticking up might be, they almost look like paper? Sorry but I can't do better than that, the camera doesn't have zoom. :/

Little thanks to Mr. Miagi I think I will give the refugium a go see how it goes and put a dsb in there so no matter if I use sand or no in the tank I'll have one anyways. :good:

Will syphon the junk out
Got sick of the HOB heater and got an aquaclear submergible heater for 20$ with pre-set dial. Hopefully this will be quieter and keep a steadier temperature.

Found some more things on rocks, red tube things and some apistas (sp.) I think.
Anybody know what these things might be also? There red and tubular, not like the other things

Here's part of the fuge so far, will hold LR, phosphate remover. Researching other stuff to put in it, probably grow macro-algae I think it is. Open to suggestions :good:
I found these today, are they mushrooms? There the darker red spot on the red rocks. I also noticed a small red piece the same color sorta wiggleing around on the floor today and I've put it on the rock next to them, it looks like the texture of a shroom. Are these mushrooms though, if so do they have any chance of recovering? Here's a quick photo I took also

Thanks a lot, please let me know what you think, all opinions wanted :good:

btw, I googled mushroom and it looks like one, though can you get mushroom hitchhikers?


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I cant really see what you're talking about aside from a blur of red but yes, you can get mushroom coral hitchhikers...I was lucky enough to smuggle one home without being charged for it heh.
hmm. ok, can't get any better there's no zoom on the camera. They look flat and dead, do you think they have a chance of coming back?

Picked up a test kit today for 7.50 so will get my stats tested soon and also picked up a magazine while I was at the lfs with a article about different cuc. I like that so now I have somewhere to reference that isn't on the computer and I can keep. Will be getting finally the two good books that I requested from my library in a day or two.

The best news parents decided to get me a early b-day present and buy me a refractometer and lighting for my tank :yahoo: Will be ordering it soon hopefully. this is the light fixture I'm going to get Should let me grow sps and whatever I should wish I think and give me the right spectrum and getting the portable refractometer from drs. foster and smith.
I got 4 mushrooms and some waving hand corals or whatever they're called on one single piece of live rock I got. By the blurry pictures, I can't really tell if it is a mushroom or not but at night if it closes up and you see a stalk or whatever, it'll probably be a mushroom. Good luck :)

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