Are You Ever Actually Happy

I agree that I always second guess my decisions once my wallet starts getting depeleted. After spending close to $400 dollars yesterday on new T5 lights and two corals... I wonder if I really needed to spend that.... but once the lights come... I'll forget the cost and be happy

Ox :good:
I've been a very unhappy person for the past 40 odd years, but I think I'll crack a smile once I get the first Chocolate Gourami in my tank...... and :rolleyes: :lol: :lol: :lol: :good: hilariously if I happen to breed 'em.
Just bought a Fluval 1plus pump and £10 worth of plants and I needed non of it really
im so obsessed with flowerhorns right now its unreal.

I want one soo bad....and the fact there aren't any near me is driving me insane to the point where im considering importing!!! EEEK
I realy want an oscar, but i also want a heavily planted tank!! :crazy: :(
I realy want an oscar, but i also want a heavily planted tank!! :crazy: :(

That just means you need two more tanks. :rolleyes:

Me? I'm not satisfied, BUT 100% happy since keeping New World cichlids. They're just so personable and fun and interactive!. One of our severums watched me fiddle with the canister filter for ten whole minutes last night. How could I not want to just continue to improve their quality of life? :lol:

Fortunately, since money is tight, I do more research than purchasing... which I really enjoy. Current project is to hopefully have a 125g tank online in the next month or so. I hope that I'll be satisfied then... but deep down, I know I'll probably never be satisfied until I've got a tributary of the Amazon in our living room. :)

all of you have said stuff that has gone through my mind.i'm happy,i'm unhappy.i have a swordtail that has fry on a regular basis so i told my girlfriend we should get a breeder tank and she said you'll just turn into a regular tank and add more fish and i looked at her and smiled and said you're probably right.but mark my words,i will get that tank.

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