Are living picture aquariums good for a beginner?

You should wait until the tank is cycled before introducing the neons since they are more susceptible to the ammonia/nitrite spikes.
Yeah, i'll do the fishless cycle thing first. Then i'm thinking of adding 3 Zebra danios first, then maybe 1 or 2 weeks later add 6 neon tetras.

Got it set up :nod: and it looks really nice in my room. Takes up no space whatsoever and after messing about with the filter it now runs completely silently.

Im going to start doing the fishless cycle tomorrow and then when thats completed im going to add 6 harlequin rasboras. I prefer these fish compared to danios.

Then maybe 2 cherry barbs to finish the tank off.
It looks amazing even without fish if i do say so myself :whistle:

One of the previous posts sugested it might use specially designed filters and stuff but it doesnt, it comes with an interpet duo power filter as well as all the other stuff. Theres plenty of aeration so oxygen exchange isnt a problem either

It may not be everyones idea of an aquarium but it suits my needs and my little fishes, plus it looks good, with out all those wires and things cluttering up the tank.

Wouldn't adding an airstone help with the potential oxygen problem? I agree that as long as the fish are small and have adequate space to move this tank should not be a problem.

Keep up on water changes and watch your ammonia and nitrite levels once the fish are in there, but as long as you stay on top of it you should be ok. It will take some work though. Let things start sliding and the tank will crash fast. Good Luck, it looks great.

By the many gallons (US) is your tank?
that's a nice tank i must say, though i still think that fish might like a bit more swimming space. that aside, as long as there are no earthquakes in your area, your living picture aquarium will probably do great. good luck!
ger87410 said:
I totally disagree 100% that they are awful. They give the fish atleast 6" to turn around.
Wow, 6"! That must be great!?

What about surface for gas-changing, which happens only on water surface? The higher the tank is (or what ever this thing is called) the more there will be water on bottom that lack of oxygen or there is low level oxygen in whole tank. Is the system enough powerful to circulate water enough (from bottom to upper places) that gases change?

Once there was a hamburger place, where were wall-tanks and people complained enough about them, and the place took those wall-tanks away. My personal opinion is that those are great wall-tanks when there is no fish inside them. Unfortunately human mind is very twisted and it creates stupid ideas sometimes, very often, and sometimes there are also other living creatures on these plans too. And when you want something enough, 'you can't see the forest for the trees'.

paulioo said:
Would this be enough to keep around 7 neon tetras?

First, neon tetra is very small fish and it's a shoal fish too. Seven of these small fish isn't very good, but better than only one or two individuals. They also like darker water (solimoes river) and well planted tank and it would look odd in that wall-tank. Plastic plants are worst that can be, because they don't help to increase oxygen level either and if you still but living plants in that wall-tank, what about then, when even plants use oxygen?

Unfortunately in some places people can do what they like to do, because laws of animal protection are too broad. Im very happy that those wall-tanks are not sold here. If I bought that thing, I would keep there only palstic plants without any fish.

Also that wall-tank might be very uncomfortable to keep clean, because you have so little room to work.

The one i was looking at buying was 80cm x 46cm x 15cm it costs £289.

That is robbing! Pure robbing!
Why can't peolple jus be happy for the guy! Didn't ur mother ever tell you, "If you don't got nothing nice to say, then don't say nothing a all. I like the tank and think its perfect for small fish. Don't let em get you down, sounds to me like some people are postin just because there jealous or want a arguement. If you like it thats all hat matters. :D
Why can't peolple jus be happy for the guy! [] "If you don't got nothing nice to say, then don't say nothing a all.

Why don't we be happy with serial killers? They do enjoy what they are doing too... Im sure I have nothing nice to say about them. :lol:

like the tank and think its perfect for small fish.

Because you know, that this tank is perfect for small fishes, you probably have studied fishes in small places and measured stresshormones etc.? Article about that? Or anything that support your words? And why so many fish die although they are ok in small tanks and evertything is always perfect?
so much for being the friendliest forum around ! :(

Wow, 6"! That must be great!?

What is the size of the biggest fish you have in your aquarium and what is the width of your aquarium?

Do the maths.
You'll find the ratio wont be much different than 1-2 inch fish in a 6 inch wide tank,
ie 4 inch fish in a 12 inch wide tank etc.

Im sure the 2 inch fish i have will feel exactly the same as the 4 inch fish in a 12 inch wide tank!

As far as the filter is concerned, its rated for tank up to 20 gal, so yeah its power enough, and generates plenty of surface agitation for oxygen.

Also that wall-tank might be very uncomfortable to keep clean, because you have so little room to work

Its actually extremely easy to clean with easy access to all parts of the aquarium. But never having hands on experience with it, you wouldnt be able to know.

The higher the tank is (or what ever this thing is called) the more there will be water on bottom that lack of oxygen or there is low level oxygen in whole tank.

:/ Perhaps you should look again at the picture, its not a high tank its a long tank.

Cant see the forrest for the trees

This seems to apply to you more than me.
You may not like it, and thats your decision but but its designed for small fish and like i said before its all a matter of ratios.

paulioo said:
so much for being the friendliest forum around !
Do you actually think that being friendly means only "Hurray, that's great!" "Cool!" "Awesome!" Don't it also mean that people try to stop you make mistakes? So which is friendlier:

1. I like your idea. It must be awesome when you get it!
- Then you have got it, set up it and after that you realize "this is not going to work well..."


2. I don't like this idea and this means problems. I think you should reconsider it again...
- You think things again and probably avoid coming problems

So, what would be friendier? To be happy and saying things what you don't actually mean (just being polite) or say how things are?

I would be very upset if my friends only argument would be "great!"

What is the size of the biggest fish you have in your aquarium and what is the width of your aquarium?

biggest fish is about 11cm (4,3 inches). Tank is 150*60*50 (59,1" lenght * 23,6 inches wide * 19,7 inches heigh). Pic of that tank. This will give better view.

Perhaps you should look again at the picture, its not a high tank its a long tank.

It was something like 46cm high if I don't remember wrong?? And the tank was quite thin. Only way to keep water well-oxidize is circulating water from bottom to surface - e.g. using airpump.
I think they look cool and somewhere down the road I'm going to get one. :wub: That's probably a 31" long tank. And it's 6" deep. That's 186 square inches of surface area. If there's some turbulence on the surface, and she doesn't put an oscar in the tank or anything longer then 15' I betcha he/she will be OK. Besides, get off there back and stop comparing fish keeping to serial killing. That's just sick. We don't take pleasure in killing, most of us anyways. In your 2 scenarios that you gave, neither of them stated that they liked the tank, which is obvoiusly what happened since he stated so. Wouldn't the more correct action to take have been to not try to change his mind, but to tell him potential problems with it (that's what most people did here)? It's just a different style of tank. Have you already started bashing those people that are keeping 1g aquariums or something smaller then a 5g with a betta or something in it. Those have got less surface area, no heaters, and probably more stressfull on fish when compared to the living picture aquarium. Just leave the poor guy alone and let him have his fun. He hasn't hurt anything yet, so noones panties should be ruffled yet. What if he doesn't end up killing anything? Is what he's doing still wrong if everything remains alive and happy? If so, why? Just cuz it's different?
ger87410 said:
Have you already started bashing those people that are keeping 1g aquariums or something smaller then a 5g with a betta or something in it.
Yes, read my former posts!

Like I have said earlier, I don't participate more any questions/answers like "My tank is 1 gallon, what can I keep?" or so, because my opinion is always same - I don't change it: Im not going to recommend to put any fish in places that are not so good. And if you say something about those 1 gallons cans it always start a new debate between people who are against small cans and people who own those cans. ;) It's always same thing... Most ridiculous comments have been that "I have so many fish so I can't afford larger tanks..." or something like that. So I only wonder, why (s)he has to have so many fish, if (s)he can't afford to keep them in suitable tanks. I just don't realize that.

Just leave the poor guy alone and let him have his fun.

These are comments that I can't understand. Is it more important that some has fun other than fish live in suitable places? Maybe Im just so stupid that I cannot understand it!

Wall-tanks are so thin that it is not a place for living fish. And that's my opinion and has nothing to with "fun".

And did you forget the topic "Are living picture aquariums good for a beginner?" ? My answer is still, no - it's not good at all.

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