What about putting something that is 10" long in a 55g tank which is only 20" deep. That gives the fish relatively less room then if they was to put some tetras in there. So, if everyone was to follow your standards, noone should be putting anything but tetras and guppies in anything smaller then a 75g. That would give the fish enough living space then? The fish has 5766 cubic inshes to live in. If the fish ain't no bigger then 1 or 2 inches, and lets say the person gets 5. That's only 10" of fish. Still gives them 5756 inches to be swimming around. How long does it take something that's 2 inches long to travel 30"? Gotta be a about 2 or 3 seconds going at top speed. Why would the fish need to go any further? Why do fish travel in the wild? To find food. He/she's providing the food so the fish don't need to wander. It's very important for us to have our fun to reduce our stress. Who has ever given proof instead of opinion to support the fact that these tanks are not sutable for fish? This tank is comparable to a 10 Gallon long. It's just a few inches less deep, but longer. So U saying that 10 gallon tanks are not sutable for fish? It has a heater and filter for crying out loud. How many 10 gallon tanks out there can claim that? Our reason for buying a 1g "can" was not because we have an abudance of fish. On the contrary. We got more tank then fish but we wanted something to sit on the desk. We still have yet to see how this person handles his fish. He might be the worlds best fish keeper for all we know. All of his fish might die at a ripe old age after he's had them for years. Then, would it still have been wrong for him to buy this tank? U say that this tank won't be good for beginners without providing any type of proof or dicussion to back it up that wasn't explained away as lack of knowledge not on his part but someone elses misunderstanding. Have you seen these tanks and know first hand the difficulties of keeping them? Why would you then state as fact that the tank doesn't have enough cleaning room when it's quite plain that if you don't use you rug vaccuum cleaner to vacuum the gravel you will have enough space. What tanks you got and what U got in them?