Are living picture aquariums good for a beginner?

What about putting something that is 10" long in a 55g tank which is only 20" deep. That gives the fish relatively less room then if they was to put some tetras in there. So, if everyone was to follow your standards, noone should be putting anything but tetras and guppies in anything smaller then a 75g. That would give the fish enough living space then? The fish has 5766 cubic inshes to live in. If the fish ain't no bigger then 1 or 2 inches, and lets say the person gets 5. That's only 10" of fish. Still gives them 5756 inches to be swimming around. How long does it take something that's 2 inches long to travel 30"? Gotta be a about 2 or 3 seconds going at top speed. Why would the fish need to go any further? Why do fish travel in the wild? To find food. He/she's providing the food so the fish don't need to wander. It's very important for us to have our fun to reduce our stress. Who has ever given proof instead of opinion to support the fact that these tanks are not sutable for fish? This tank is comparable to a 10 Gallon long. It's just a few inches less deep, but longer. So U saying that 10 gallon tanks are not sutable for fish? It has a heater and filter for crying out loud. How many 10 gallon tanks out there can claim that? Our reason for buying a 1g "can" was not because we have an abudance of fish. On the contrary. We got more tank then fish but we wanted something to sit on the desk. We still have yet to see how this person handles his fish. He might be the worlds best fish keeper for all we know. All of his fish might die at a ripe old age after he's had them for years. Then, would it still have been wrong for him to buy this tank? U say that this tank won't be good for beginners without providing any type of proof or dicussion to back it up that wasn't explained away as lack of knowledge not on his part but someone elses misunderstanding. Have you seen these tanks and know first hand the difficulties of keeping them? Why would you then state as fact that the tank doesn't have enough cleaning room when it's quite plain that if you don't use you rug vaccuum cleaner to vacuum the gravel you will have enough space. What tanks you got and what U got in them?
Man I think this post should be closed just to stop fueling MrV's fire. Its obvious he is set in his ways, so theres no since arguing. If it were up to him and his suggestions, only the rich would be able to enjoy the hobby of fish. Its not like the guys said he was gonna put an arrowana in there. lol just find it amusing if he doesnt like all these small tanks why does he reply in there post? Its not like hes gonna stop them from buying a tank, or stores selling them, or companies making them, he just wants a fight.
Let's keep this a friendly discussion please. I don't want to close this thread coz it's good to hear everyones opinion.

Personally, I think the idea, although not the best in the world, is a lot better than keeping bettas in jars, vases and whatever takes some folks fancy. I'm sure that with the right amount of care, several small fish could live in the "picture" successfully. Wish you lots of luck with it and keep us posted :)
Atleast a majority of the people stand on the side on reason. Just Paulioo, promise not to put an oscar or pacu in ther, K? :p :)
I've always found the issue of a suitable space for a fish quite interesting:

MrV you say you have a 4.3 inch fish in a 24 inch wide tank. Hence you allow your fish a turning space of 24/4.3 = 5.5 times its body length. It seems reasonable therefore that a 6 inch wide aquarium could contain a 6 / 5.5= 1.1 inch fish.

I would actually think that it would be far crueler to keep the 4.3 inch fish in your tank than the 1.1 inch fish in the suggested tank due to the greater length of the wall tank in comparison to its width.

This is based on a linear comparision of aquarium width and fish length. MrV you may well have a greater volume of water per length of fish than I am suggesting for the wall tank, however you will notice that a fish's volume increases exponentually as its length increases so you will have a comparable ratio of fish volume to wate volume.
Like i said before not everyone will like it, and they are entitled to their opinion.

The tank is designed for small fish no greater than 2 inches in length. The only fish i am planning on having are 6 harlequin rasboras. Then maybe adding 2-3 cherry barbs later on.

I wont be puting any fish that is greater than 2 inches into it, i may be knew to fish keeping but im not completely stupid :blink:

I'll keep everyone posted on how well my fish are doing once my tank is ready. Maybe mrV will be right and my fish will not survive for very long, or on the other hand maybe my fish will thrive and live a long and happy life. We'll just need to wait and see.

I think this is a good point to stop arguing and just see what happens. :nod:

mrV said:
like the tank and think its perfect for small fish.

Because you know, that this tank is perfect for small fishes, you probably have studied fishes in small places and measured stresshormones etc.? Article about that? Or anything that support your words? And why so many fish die although they are ok in small tanks and evertything is always perfect?
And have YOU studied that?

Didn't think so.
Personally, I think you're all cruel for putting fish in tanks. Fish belong in the wild.

j/k! :p
Im not going to debate about things where other half things that everything what is made to aquarium are good and other half things that every cans are not suitable. People can use their own common sense too - if they have it.

paulioo said:
The tank is designed for small fish no greater than 2 inches in length.

So, using same logic: This wall-tank is 55 liters, so 1/4-2 gallons so called "Betta bowl" are designed for fishes that are only 0,04-0,3 inches in lenght. Those fishes must very interesting...

ed4567 said:
This is based on a linear comparision of aquarium width and fish length.

Linear comparision don't work. Why? Because it doesn't "understand" behaviour. Some fishes just are mostly in place and other same size fish is like a nato-missile. Of course, tank for those fishes must be different. It doesn't also consider biotopes: somewhere water is standing and somewhere is river - how can you manage to do standing water and/or current in same tank, if tank is small?

samage said:
And have YOU studied that?

Did I say that those small cans are perfect for fishes? No, I didn't, so I don't have any responsibilities to proof anything. Those who say that they are perfect, they need to proof it! Understood?

If I say "you can drink water from every puddles you find", shouldn't it them be me, who has to proof it? Or people who say that "No, you can't." Using same logic as you, then Im absolutely correct - I don't need to proof anything- and people who are against it are wrong.

asmack said:
Personally, I think you're all cruel for putting fish in tanks. Fish belong in the wild.

You're right! But either dogs, cats etc not allowed then.. Fish live very good life, when people take care of them and gives them suitable tanks. That's why Im not going to keep any big fishes myself either because I don't own pool for them! And also, when people buy some fishes it helps in nature protection; many places are in safe, because people who live near it they get their living by picking fishes from rivers etc. If they lost it, then they need to get their living from something else and it usually means cultivation. Cultivation means that rainforests etc are cut down and rivers are dried for tillages. And many species (that are not even found yet) will die :-(

So keeping aquariums helps alot to save some areas in natur and give living for poor people!
Personally, I think you're all cruel for putting fish in tanks. Fish belong in the wild.

You mean to say that you joined up to this forum, just to say that??? Or presumably you like the other pets section, in which case you are a hypocrit.

Like alot of fishes used for fishing, most (which can) are specifically breed for the hobby, and if you were to "release" him into the wild, it wouldnt have a clue what to do IMO.

Dont mean to sound bulshy, but why are you here - tormenting urself?

if u wan t a small tank get a tank called moby dick they are quiet good 4 beginners and experts i am thinking of getting 1 4 my betta... living picture aquariums are 2 small and i thing its cruel on the fishes...
The guy who said..

Personally, I think you're all cruel for putting fish in tanks. Fish belong in the wild.

was joking. Notice the J/K at the bottom with the :p face.

And as far as the moby dick tank is concerned, the picture i saw of them indicated to me that they would be crueler than the living picture.

Now maybe its just me, but if i were a wee fishy id prefer a tank thats longer rather than being a cube.

living picture aquariums are 2 small and i thing its cruel on the fishes...

explain why its cruel. So long as small fish are kept inside it and not big fish, then they have exactly the same room to move as a larger fish in a larger tank.

Someone did the maths a few posts ago showing this. Puting a 1inch fish in a six in tank, is no different than puting a 4 inch fish in a 24 inch tank. But i dont see people complaining about people who do that.

paulioo said:
And as far as the moby dick tank is concerned, the picture i saw of them indicated to me that they would be crueler than the living picture.

Now maybe its just me, but if i were a wee fishy id prefer a tank thats longer rather than being a cube.
christ....are they angelfish in there?? :crazy:

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